Published at 12th of February 2024 05:23:51 AM

Chapter 34

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Zenith felt great admiration watching Kaito. The fabled hero looked completely absorbed as the beetle led them through the tunnels of the Agricultural district and the rows upon rows of different fungi and mosses. When they walked through a chamber filled with crahalée plants, Kaito’s usual quirks started to surprise her yet again.

We’ll make Daiyudura amazing, she thought. Every time.

The crahalée plants’ vines on one side stretched tall, while the other side remained stunted. The sight…saddened her. But if she knew Kaito, he was about to do something to fix her favorite plant.


Kaito burst into motion. He began leaping and spinning around the garden in a dance that reminded her of the time he waltzed under the rain. She could tell. The gentle smile he has when he is resolving a problem. The calm in his eyes when he is in complete control of the room. The hidden amusement on his face, like he knew a secret they didn’t.

Albus hadn’t seen it. He was too busy looking confused, dodging Kaito and trying not to get in his way.

She was so happy she chose to follow this hero—

And there it was; Kaito’s unique Kaito-ness. He subtly adjusted the angle of one—two quartz cluster as he gyrated past them. Three. Four. Five.

To Albus, Kaito’s movements seemed random. Yet his feet moved him strategically across the room, while his hands shifted reflective surfaces.

Then Kaito danced faster and faster, and Albus gave her a ‘What is going on?’ glance.

After a few minutes, Kaito stopped abruptly, turning his head to look at her while reaching out and tilting an IDM crystal in front of him.

The cavern became a dream.

Brightness rained upon the crahalée garden. The magical light was distributed evenly and the stunted vines began growing. Their green became…greener. Albus was no longer scratching his head, he was now still and unblinking.

Zenith was also mesmerized and surprised—

She reflected on it, and giggled.

Actually, she wasn’t surprised; this was what she liked about the hero. Her father was right. Kaito really was the greatest hero to ever set foot in Daiyudura, and he would be far greater than the White Fury, the hero summoned by her grandfather.

This city was proof of that even if Kaito didn’t take credit for it. A hidden beetle city that would put the capital to shame.

Zenith turned her attention to her hero, and he fully swiveled to face her, giving her a big toothy grin.

She grinned back, but for something completely different.

We’ll make Daiyudura amazing, together.


“Glowcaps!” she said.

These would be great for the new recipe I’m working on.



As the mysterious race of internet trolls from your world would say, lol. Relax, I’m not gonna use Identify. After all, you and I have an understanding on that. This is just for my own amusement.

Thank god, you scared me there for a second.

[Glowcap Mushrooms - Culinary Analysis]

Flavor Intensity: 4/10

Visual Appeal: 9/10 (Can double as a nightlight.)

Exotic Rarity: 7/10

If you thought shrooms were awesome, wait until you try these bad boys. What was the name of your planet again? Dirt…Mud…[Analyzing…] Earth!

The ‘Earth’ equivalent of glowcap mushrooms comes in the form of glow sticks. They are boiled for ten minutes and then eaten instead of spaghetti. Great for raves, shitty for your stomach lining. But hey, who needs proper digestion when your poop glows in the dark.

A little graphic… but I see some culinary potential there. Also, how do you come up with these stories? None of that happens where I’m from.

How do I…wh—really, [Realigning language protocols…] Remember you downgraded me from Epic Adventurer to tour guide.

But Albus is the tour guide.


Okay, I understand. Karen, I like your stories.


“These are supposed to be really tasty. Wanna try one?” Zenith asked, as a courtesy, since she was already handing coin to a beetle with mandibles that resembled a bizarre mustache, manning the stall.

Kaito nodded and accepted the proffered fungus. He bit into it. An unexpected tangy flavor exploded on his tongue. Zenith’s eyes went wide as she chewed her own bite. Suddenly, she burst out laughing, pointing at Kaito’s mouth.

Was he eating them wrong? Confused, he opened his mouth to speak. That’s when he saw—Zenith’s tongue was glowing bright blue! When she opened her mouth, it looked like a flashlight.

Before the giggles faded, she had already hopped to the next stall. Zenith waved for Kaito to rush over, but he responded by only opening his mouth, which made her frown.

Is the glowy tongue not funny anymore? Kaito thought as he made his way over.

Albus had left them to explore the Smith Market on their own and asked them to meet him at the ‘Grove of Serenity’ in an hour and thirty-seven minutes. It all clicked for Kaito then; all those questions Jogid had about the units of time he used made sense now. He had planned his tour down to the very minute.

Even touring the Agricultural District with Zenith, the thought struck him, that...dragon. I don’t deserve him.

She held up a jar of dark, rich substance. “This is nighthoney. You’ll love it.”

If Zee likes it, it must be good, but that honestly looks like tar.

[Nighthoney - Culinary Analysis]

Flavor Intensity: 8/10

Visual Appeal: 5/10

Mystique Quotient: 9/10 (Edgy as hell.)

Nighthoney – the goth cousin of regular honey. On Earth, to attain this flavor, humans spread motor oil on their toast for breakfast. It’s dark, brooding, and probably writes bad poetry, but your tongue will love it. It looks, feels, and tastes like a messy rim job.

Holy shit? That’s... a bit extreme. Either way, let’s give this moody honey a shot.

Exactly! Moody honey, love it! Just remember, if your teeth start reciting Edgar Allan Poe, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Nighthoney’s known for its dramatic flair. Next thing you know, you’ll be wearing all black and denouncing sunlight.

Sure, here goes nothing.

Zenith used a wooden stick to scoop up a dollop of the honey. With a mischievous grin, she reached up and dabbed it on the tip of Kaito’s nose.

Unconsciously, Kaito attempted to reach the honey on his nose with his tongue. It was still blue. When he realized how futile what he was doing was, he chuckled.

“You’re so silly.”

He took the stick from Zenith’s hand and placed a drop of nighthoney on her cheek.


“Thish ish actually really good.”

“You think so? I’ll get some! We can make mizonge bread with this.”

Yes, we found it. With her, I can make this world my slice-of-life paradise.


“Hey Albus!” Zenith said, watching the white carapace beetle stroll their way. She had started to admire Albus’s commanding presence. Perhaps she could also learn a few things from him about leading a kingdom.

“Greetings Supreme Leader.”

“Mandibula. I see you’ve found the Great Master,” said Albus.

“Yes Sir, we were just discussing the importance of food security in our city.”

“Very good, Mandibula,” Albus started. “And Great Master Kaito, what do you think of the Grove of Serenity?”

“It’s been a fantastic place to rest, especially after lunch at the...”

Albus chuckled. “Enjoyed the Smith Market, did you?”

How clever of Albus to name the market after the fabled hero. She imagined the ingredients that could be found there, picturing Kaito baking new dishes. Her mouth watered at the thought.

“Of course, but the name is a little too much, don’t you think?”

“I think the name is perfect,” Zenith said.

“We named it after you, Master Kaito, in the hopes of someday providing all the ingredients you might need.”

“I appreciate the gesture, but make sure to use it to feed your people. Besides, I couldn’t betray good old Mae and her store.”

“Very well, Master Kaito. It shall be done.”

Just then, Albus moved closer to his reconnaissance officer.

“Mandibula, there’s a disturbance reported on the surface. Check it out and report back to me.”

The sudden order made her stiffen on the stone bench.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing significant, I believe. We’ll know more once Mandibula returns with details. Ready to continue the tour?”

That was enough to calm her nerves. That, and the fact that they had a legion of battle-ready beetles in hand. And if that wasn’t enough, they also had the invincible fabled hero by their side. At the capital, you never knew when a neighboring nation, or a dark army would come storming the gate. Life was easy here. With Kaito, she didn’t need to put on a brave face or pretend to have all the answers. She could be Zenith.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!