Kismet’s Tale - Chapter 146

Published at 27th of February 2022 09:17:20 PM

Chapter 146

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     Wendy had been confused. She took a look at the camper that was being driven away by someone other than Gaul and the Boss. Wendy was sure that they were going to go to the airport until they learned that there were forces associated with the antiwar movements occupying the airport and were ready to take anyone who was willing to leave the country.

So instead they took the continental train and it would take a day to reach the western side of the world. Of course, the only reason it would take that long was because of how far apart the continent was, and how fast the bullet train would go. The Webman Company had been part of the efforts, and although they are still part of the railway business, most of them had decided to put effort into investing in electronics.

The continental bullet train, though expensive, was the envy of the  nations. And recent technologies have made the train sturdier and streamlined, making it run three hundred miles per hour. It took thirty years to build the train, and most of it was built on an old railway, converted, and made possible. Wendy hid her identity, and made no effort to suddenly proclaim that she was held by someone. It has been clear to her that they mean her no harm, and all of it was to protect her.

She did not understand why. Wendy had tried to get something out of them, but it was useless seeing how guarded their thoughts were. They shared the information they could through letting her examine the equipment they use and the way they behave. If anything, Wendy hasn't felt this weak ever since she was still a naive businesswoman who could do nothing but learn and nod her head. She earned her Presidency through learning what she could, and applying it. She takes offense when people declare that she got the position through nepotism, and perhaps she might have a better advantage. She wasn’t exactly the brightest among her peers either. It was just that she was trained by someone who had experiences in business, and navigating through all the problems regarding negotiations, and politics. She learned through hardship, and she cherished the lessons. None of those lessons were how to handle those whose lips are guarded. Wendy didn’t have the courage to try to seduce them, knowing how beaten her face was after being captured by the Colonel. Their treatment made it possible for her to heal, and although she has the sparks kindled in her, healing her bruises, and enhancing her regeneration capabilities. She was not in the best of shape. Persuasion would only work if these two had desires, and seeing that they were like automatons focused on a specific goal. Wendy felt helpless. She knew they did not crave money, power, and connection. If they did,  then she would have been far from these two. These two were keeping her safe, and the reason was something she wanted to know.

Such reasons were strange to her. They were not altruists either. Their actions were not for their base satisfaction and it was not about service to people. It was like they were just strangers who found someone in trouble, and would go through so much length to help someone.

Compared to the daily life she knew, the actions of these two, and the people who helped her made her wonder. Those two who tried to make her get away, but died trying to save her from Elric.

Ah, that’s right, I heard from Melia, that she was working for an orphanage. I should look up the name of the orphanage. Thomas, he was strong, but he didn’t have the power. That one...I don’t remember his name, but he still tried to save us when we were being chased by those people.

It has been a long week for her. A tiresome, soul-draining week where she saw people die, and struggle for their life. Wendy felt fortunate that she was saved. Though her grandpa and grandmother had taught her to be kind when she could. She felt like a monster knowing that she survived but not them. She was grateful for the life, and the ability to continue on. She learned however that it doesn’t stop the pain of it, the hurting feeling that she had survived at the cost of many lives.

Wendy wasn’t made of steel. She was trained to know self-defense but most of her life was tending to paperwork, and experiencing business while learning. Though she had been part of schemes, and awful situations. It was not as bad as this one.

People dying horribly. Being tied up and waiting for one’s death. And being saved by people who she knew nothing about. The anxiety, despair, and stress made her feel helpless when she was thrown into. She chose this in hopes to lure the movement out, and was steadfast in accomplishing her goal, not knowing the dangers that will come to it. She thought she could handle it. But after calming down, and having the silence to think of what had happened. Wendy found herself unable to control her emotions. Emotions and passions were something that she had to control or at least don’t show on her face. Two hounds had passed since she entered the bullet train and got her room. Though she could tell that they were not far from her, she could finally be alone, her head on a pillow to wonder what had happened to her lately.

Her chest ached. Her nose stuffed and she felt a lasting pain that made her wonder. She could not find the time to sleep and alone made her feel like she would wake up, tied again in that room in the broadcast station. Her hands started shaking at the thought of it. If it wasn’t for the Boss rescuing her in time. She was grateful, but it didn’t stop the nightmares she had about what had happened.


After a while, she decided to come out of her sleeper room. The one she slept on was private, and outside was a small area that separated the three sleeper rooms. 

On the booth was the boss taking a seat. One would think that he was only in his early thirties. Of course, this could be whatever it was strengthening him, making him look younger.

“Sit down, do you want some instant coffee?” he offered.

Wendy’s eyebrow rose. She didn’t expect him to start a conversation. He was rather loose and for once he wasn’t wearing his coat as well. She took a seat across the table and let the Boss pour coffee for her.

“Can’t sleep? You should, it’s a long way from home.”

“...home? Are you not a native of Holmia?”

“Perhaps. You can tell, no?”

He spoke the Imperial Script, and thought it was a lingua franca. Wendy thought that the way he spoke was quite old. It was more like how her older friends spoke and it put her into ease.

“I can. Sir, can I ask a question?”

“You can. Didn’t you want to ask me that? I have a good hearing so I know what you said and talked with him. Someone saving you for no reason...that is confusing. Unknown kindness leads you to suspicion and I understand if you are afraid. Just think of us as nosy nobodies.”

“Nobody wouldn’t do so much for someone.”

“We do it if there is our goal for doing it. Well, it is my goal, and my subordinate is following my orders.”

“For what reason?”

“Of our own. Oh, we have used you, to slaughter three of the biggest threats in the Holmian Continent, and that alone is good enough reason to help you. You think that we are doing something selfless by escorting you home, but in truth we are just obliged to get you home. Of course, you may ask why we would bother doing more work, but let’s just say that we are pretending to be good samaritans.”

“It just doesn’t make sense.”

“Perhaps, but it’s not like I would let you get a read on my intentions when you won’t share yours. You don’t expect me to bare my soul to you now, can you?”

“At least give me a reason,” she pleaded.

“There is no deeper meaning to it,” Boss took a sip of his coffee. “Of course, if you want the reason why I am doing this. Then it’s to really make use of your situation to control some of our own problems. can say one way. Hmm, it’s somewhat personal to me as well.”


The Boss just smiled at that and didn’t say anything further. She took the cup with both hands and pondered on what he said. She wanted answers, but she was given more questions.

“Miss Wendy, take a breather, and just relax. I can see that you are bothered  by what has happened to you in the past days. It wouldn’t be long until you are home, and I hope that something like this would not happen to you again.”

“I hope so,” Wendy looked down and saw that her hands were shaking.

“Be calm, although your upbringing has made you composed. Believe me when I say that there is no such thing as a heart made of steel.”

Wendy nodded, “I know. I can’t sleep, Sir. I am afraid.”

“I see. Don’t worry Miss Wendy, as long as I am around. No one’s going to touch even a strand of your hair.”

Wendy found herself nodding to that. She preferred a calmer and talkative Boss than the stony one. She wondered, was he excited to go home as well?

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