Leveling Up Alone - Chapter 341

Published at 18th of January 2024 05:26:09 AM

Chapter 341: – Seven Jewels and One Sword (3)

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Chapter 341 – Seven Jewels and One Sword (3)

Tia smiled and translated, “Hoho~ Mavros is asking you to pack some of these for him. He says he likes how it’s quite sweet and smooth, just the way he likes it.”

“Hey... Mavros didn’t say all that, right? He probably just asked me to pack some, and you added everything else...” Han-Yeol grumbled in response.

“Hoho~ Who knows?” Tia denied it, but her eyes were saying otherwise, making it blatantly obvious she was teasing him.

“Ugh...” Han-Yeol groaned.

However, since it was Mavros making the request, it seemed only proper for him to grant it.

“Hoho~ As expected, master is weak to Mavros~”

“You’re too smart for your own good...”

Tia was undeniably Han-Yeol’s pet, yet her intellect and cheekiness made her feel like an old friend of his. In fact, Han-Yeol found himself talking to Tia often these days.

When Han-Yeol needed to blow off steam, having a good chat with someone was his preference, and Tia, with her funny and cheeky personality, was the perfect partner for him. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her as she prioritized him over anything else, a trait that suited his jealous personality quite well.

Both Mavros and Tia were no longer just monster pets to him; Han-Yeol saw them as friends, or even family, now.

‘Dimensional Storage!’


Han-Yeol raised his right hand and summoned a door with an exquisite design. The skill had already attained an A Rank, poised to reach its third stage if he managed to elevate it by another rank.


[The rank of ‘Dimensional Storage II’ has increased from (A) to (M).]


There's such a saying that 'speak of the devil,' and it seemed the skill ranked up as soon as Han-Yeol thought about it.

‘This means...!’


[The skill ‘Dimensional Storage II’ has reached the Master Rank.]

[The skill has started to evolve.]

[‘Dimensional Storage II’ has evolved to ‘Dimensional Storage III’.]

‘Alright!’ Han-Yeol rejoiced upon finally witnessing the long-awaited skill ranking up.

Initially, the skill's advancement owed much to the Arch Lich’s assistance, proving immensely beneficial. Without this initial boost, utilizing the dimensional storage would have been terribly uncomfortable due to its small size in its initial stage.

Into this dimensional storage, Han-Yeol stowed away a considerable amount: money, treasures, crucial items, food, and water. This space was deemed safer than any other storage available.

However, the downside emerged swiftly; cramming so much into his dimensional storage left it cramped and disorganized, unable to accommodate everything he needed.

Yet, this downside was about to be somewhat alleviated now that the skill had ranked up.



The dimensional storage's door no longer resembled that of a mere box container; it transformed into the semblance of a warehouse door.

Click... Clack!This material is rooted in n0velbin★

Han-Yeol opened the door and stepped into his newly upgraded dimensional storage.

“Whoa!” he exclaimed upon entering.

The interior now boasted a modern appearance, and the storage area had expanded exponentially. No longer a small, cramped space reminiscent of his military days, it had become a proper warehouse that most companies would use to store their products.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

Tia followed right behind him into the dimensional storage.

“Wow~ It’s completely transformed~” she marveled.

She was thoroughly impressed by the transformation from the cramped, humid space to this orderly, expansive warehouse.

“I think we could live here instead of that cave.”

“You know that’s not possible, right?”

The dimensional storage was unsuitable for sustaining life; once Han-Yeol canceled the skill, it would be cut off and sent to a separate isolated dimension, unequipped to support life during that period.

Nonetheless, Han-Yeol began inspecting his newly expanded dimensional storage. He was impressed by how the expanded space allowed for his various items, once haphazardly piled, to be neatly arranged in one corner, leaving room for more.

While engrossed in checking his dimensional storage, Tia called out to him, “Master~ Over here.”


Tia’s eyes didn’t match the precision of Han-Yeol’s Demon Eyes, but being a spider, her vision remained quite sharp.

Han-Yeol walked over to her.

On the other hand, Mavros didn't bother looking around the newly expanded dimensional storage because...


“Hmm? What’s wrong, master?” Tia inquired, noticing his pause with the slime residue suspended in the air.

“My bad, I was trying to come up with a new name for this liquid. Referring to it as remains or residue makes it sound as if you guys are some sort of undead creatures...”

“Huh? But technically, both of us are monsters, master.”

“S-Still! It doesn’t sound nice!”

“Hmm... Oh well, if that’s how you feel, master.”

“Ahem... So, I did some thinking and decided to call this liquid Slime Jam from now on!”

“Oh? That’s quite a fitting name. It’s quite sweet and would be perfect to spread on solid food.”


“Hoho~ Excellent idea, master~”

“Hahaha! My creativity scares me sometimes!” Han-Yeol exclaimed, proudly laughing.

He was delighted that Tia liked the name he devised for the slime residue.

All fifteen wooden barrels were filled with the Slime Jam and stored in one corner of the dimensional storage. Han-Yeol contemplated whether to place it in the cold store, but he reasoned that it wasn’t going to spoil, so he positioned it near the entrance instead.

“Alright, it’s time to hunt for real now!”

“Hoho~ As you wish, master.”



Han-Yeol was happy to see his comrades reflect his enthusiasm.


They ventured deeper into the slime dungeon, but Han-Yeol could not help having a strange feeling the deeper they entered.


‘Hmm... It’s getting more difficult...’


[The rank of ‘Magma Longsword’ has risen.]

[The rank of ‘Ice Blade’ has risen.]

It was fantastic news that the skills he had recently acquired had already leveled up, but he didn't have the luxury to revel in it.

[Damn it! These little monsters!]


Camelot exerted all his efforts to handle the slimes that ambushed the party from the crevices on the wall or ceiling, but their sheer numbers made it incredibly challenging for him to manage them all.

‘I anticipated this would be easy considering their weakness, but their numbers are multiplying exponentially as we venture deeper! This is madness!’

The ants he faced with Tayarana and Mariam last time had relied on their numerical advantage to defeat the invaders, but the slimes were on a completely different level. Their numbers rivaled the human wave tactics used during the Korean War in the past, where history recorded more soldiers than bullets.

Han-Yeol found himself encountering the same overwhelming tactic, except his foes were not human soldiers but slimes of various shapes, sizes, and colors.

[This is starting to look dangerous, boss!] Camelot shouted, sensing the imminent danger of being overrun.

Though this dungeon might have seemed easy from the outside, its difficulty level turned out to be insane.

‘Damn it... I guess I have no choice...’ Han-Yeol bit his lip in frustration.

He aimed to monopolize the experience points from this dungeon as much as possible, but the dungeon's difficulty proved beyond his ability to handle alone.


Gathering his mana, he invoked Summon Demon.

‘Oh, mighty demons. Heed my call! Ah, except for you, Void Executor-nim.’

The Void Executor stood tall, around eight to nine meters in height. While Han-Yeol floated at about seven meters tall, he couldn't navigate the dungeon's terrain as he hovered one to two meters above the ground.

The Lava Golem or Balrog would likely be the limit for this place.


The first to appear was Asus, followed by the Arch Lich, and then Balrog.


[Bwahaha! I’m ready to risk my life for a good fight!]

Han-Yeol’s trusted pillars, the demons, finally made their appearance in the Bastro Dimension.

‘It’s a shame Void Executor-nim can’t join us...’ he clicked his tongue.

Although it was regrettable that his most powerful demon couldn't participate in the battle, its absence didn’t diminish the impressive strength of his current force.

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