Published at 11th of November 2019 03:50:29 PM

Chapter 245

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Now now, before you feel disappointed, there is a chapter just after this one, don't worry.

If you do not wish to know why I didn't post, feel free to skip this, I'm not forcing anyone but I just want to explain why I didn't post for a whole week.

The thing is, I had a serious infection in my tooth, (due to a cavity that I was too lazy to remove), this caused swollen cheeks and extreme and unpleasant pain which rendered me unable to write. The infection started right when Eid began and where I live, there are no dentists open at the Eid, unfortunately, so I had to wait until three days later, where I did a very small surgery to remove the infection and REMOVE the whole damned teeth to get rid of any future problems.
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I just got back yesterday and wanted to take a day off to rest for a bit. I apologize for the lack of content but I was helpless too. Beginning from now, I'll return to regular updates and try my best to write a chapter every day. Anyways, enjoy the chapter and good night.

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