Published at 23rd of February 2024 06:43:38 AM

Chapter 11

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A loud explosion echoed through Renaissance Island as a giant Sea King attacked the bay. 


A black shadow jumped on what seemed to be air as it reached 50 meters in height. 

The shadow resembled a young man as he shot forward from the sky and toward the Sea King. 

His fist was coiled back, ready to shoot forth. 

Oddly enough, the fist was soon wrapped with a dull sheet of black armour.

The youth's fist went on and slammed onto the Sea King's dome. 


A quick shockwave erupted as a fist dug into the skull of the beast.

"Rawr!" it roared in pain and fury, its eyes dimmed as blood splashed from its cracked-open skull.

The young man landed on the ground with a thud, his black fist returning to normal.

A few large chunks of flesh were about to rain on the red-eyed youth as he instead aimed out his right index finger.

'Flying Finger Pistol Barrage.'

*Zip* *Fwip* *Zip*

An onslaught of air pockets shot out from the tip of the finger as they were nailed into the raining meat, causing it to explode in the sky.

This way, not even a speck of dirt landed on the young man's body, allowing him to casually walk away.


He had medium-length black hair with red streaks running down the left side while fashioning a thin scar above his right eye.

The crimson pupils carried firmness and great ambition.

Damien, who had cleaned up a rather large Sea King, had been preparing himself to depart from his home island.

Having spent two more years in hardcore training, he was ready to sail the seas and take another step towards his path to power.

The years of training and an incredibly healthy diet had led to a sizable growth for the now-sixteen-year-old.

Damien's body was muscular and brimming with power, enough to send just about any lady from his back home into a coma from just a peak.

He had grown rather handsome as well, perhaps the genes of a Dryad could be considered quite enviable.

[Image of Damien (in discord)]


"Sibyl, bring up my stats, it's been quite a few chapters since I've seen them," he said.

[Coming up…]


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