Published at 29th of April 2024 07:59:16 AM

Chapter 6: 6 Chapter 6: Nephew, you cant control this woman_1

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6 Chapter 6: Nephew, you cant control this woman_1

Translator: 549690339
The next day, Zhou Sui sent out wedding invitations to his neighbors.

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

After all, some of his neighbors he had known for a decade or two. While their relationships werent that strong, they at least had some acquaintanceship. So, he could invite them over for the wedding feast.

These neighbors, who had known Zhou Sui for so many years, came to attend the wedding out of respect for their past friendship.

He even invited his parents old friend, Liu Dong.

Despite their differences, he hadnt completely fallen out with Liu Dong yet. Naturally, he wouldnt forget this old friend of his parents.

Of course, the most important reason for this was that Zhou Sui wanted to use this event to send Liu Dong a message. He now had a ninth-level Qi Cultivator to back him up, and he wasnt an easy person to mess with. It was best for Liu Dong to give up his schemes.

Nephew, how did this happen? How did you find a Dao companion so quickly? And shes even a ninth-level Qi Cultivation female Cultivator? After hearing this news, Liu Dong turned stunned, as if thunderstruck.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldnt understand how his nephew, of all people, had ended up with a beautiful ninth-level female Qi Cultivator. It was a pure fairy tale.

Normally, a ninth-level female Cultivator wouldnt give a second glance to a minor Cultivator at the first layer of Qi cultivation. The difference between the two was simply too vast, almost immeasurable.

When he first heard this news, he thought it was a joke.

Uncle Liu, it all comes down to fate. The day before yesterday, she came to rent my house, and to my surprise, it was love at first sight. Our destinies are intertwined for three lifetimes. Also, the world works in mysterious ways, so this is all there is to it, Zhou Sui said with a hint of sentimentality.

Nephew, you need to think this over three times, Liu Dong advised earnestly, This female Cultivator has reached the ninth level of Qi Cultivation, shes probably older than your parents. Shes clearly a cougar chasing after a young calf like you.

Your future is bright, how can you allow yourself to fall into the clutches of such an old woman? You wouldnt be able to handle such a woman, shes not someone you as a young man can control.

Moreover, you two have only just met, and shes already considering marriage with you. Her actions are too hasty, she must have ulterior motives. Be careful not to let a wolf into the house, he said, worried sick.

After all, if Zhou Sui actually marries this female Cultivator, then Liu Dong wouldnt stand a chance. Against the threat of a ninth-level Cultivator, he didnt stand a chance.

He never dreamed that things would escalate to this point.

Without a doubt, this woman wasnt attracted to this young man, she was just like him after this house. She had wicked intentions.

So much for love at first sight! She mustve fallen for the house at first sight.

Uncle Liu, youre overthinking it. Im just a penniless minor Cultivator, how could she possibly harbor ulterior motives towards me?

I understand your concern, but our feelings for each other are mutual, proven by the sun and the moon, witnessed by the heavens and the earth. Theres no need for more words,

If you wish, Uncle Liu, you can stay and have a drink. If not, then Im sorry to see you go, Zhou Sui had a look of someone entranced and head over heels.


Hearing this, Liu Dong felt like his lungs were about to explode. It was indeed wasted effort trying to help an ungrateful person. Despite his earnest advice, Zhou Sui didnt appreciate his efforts.

However, he didnt have any other options. He was not Zhou Suis father, and had no legal ground to oppose the marriage.

He could only leave the wedding banquet, out of sight, out of mind.

Hehe, Liu, your plans have completely fallen apart. Who could have expected such a beautiful female Cultivator to appear out of nowhere?

I told you to act early, but you hesitated. Now isnt the peach plucked by others?

A middle-aged man appeared near Liu Dong. The two were good friends and partners in crime. Naturally, the man was aware of Liu Dongs predicament and began to mock him straight away.

Imbecile, hes an absolute imbecile, Liu Dong was fuming, completely losing his temper and cursing, That stupid kid doesnt even think about how a beautiful ninth-level female Qi Cultivator could possibly fall for him. He really thinks hes irresistible. Hes going on about mutual love, its a laugh to death. That woman is clearly after his valuable house.

Despite my repeated warnings, the boy remains unmoved, looking like a fool blinded by fat. Hes doomed to fall into that womans belly.

Now, he was green with regret. If only he had known that a woman would appear to snatch Zhou Sui away from him, he would have taken action early.

Unfortunately, it was too late for anything now.

With that female Cultivator watching, he didnt have the opportunity to meddle.

That woman is really ruthless. Shes beautiful and possesses impressive cultivation, yet shes willing to humble herself and marry a greenhorn. Shes quite calculating, the middle-aged man remarked.

Speaking honestly, he had seen the bride. She was fair, beautiful, and had long legs. She was nothing less than a stunning beauty.

If she had been from a sect, she might have even held the title of a fairy or a saintess.

But now, she was willing to give herself to a greenhorn. It was simply beyond belief.

Even though he knew the woman had ulterior motives, that she was after the boys house, he was still extremely jealous. Such a beautiful woman had ended up in Zhou Suis arms, this was simply an injustice!

The heavens were truly unfair. Is it true that one can get a womans affection simply by owning a house?!

Hehe, for that woman to have gained such cultivation, she must have done a lot of such deeds. She must have relied on her beauty to lure and kill male Cultivators one by one, in order to possess their wealth,

There are plenty of these black widows,

To accumulate resources for cultivation, these black widows do everything they can. They are ruthless and heartless.

Liu Dong was also wary of Ji Bingyu.

He was a Loose Cultivator and had come across such women before.

All these women were ruthless and very good at using their beauty and bodies to acquire resources. Countless male Cultivators had fallen into their traps.

Having seen too many such things, he had become immune to beauty. Unless it was about the Grand Dao of eternal life, no woman could make his heart waver.

Tsk, tsk, so what youre saying is, your nephews doomed. Hell die a premature death, drained of all life by this woman. What will you do now? the middle-aged man asked tsking.

Theres nothing else I can do but give up. After all, shes a ninth-level Cultivator. I cant afford to offend her, said Liu Dong, feeling helpless.

Despite being at the seventh level of Qi Cultivation, only two minor stages away from the ninth level, the difference in their strength was like night and day. She could take on a dozen of him. The gap was simply too wide.

If they encountered each other in the wilderness, she could annihilate him instantly.

Are you really willing to give up? the middle-aged man asked, somewhat shocked.

Heh, failing to cut when you should, will earn you chaos. What has kept me alive for so long and allowed me to cultivate to this stage with just a seventh-grade Spiritual Root, is prudence above all things. Theres no need to go head-to-head with such a powerful Cultivator. Ill look for other opportunities, Liu Dong felt helpless.

He was really more of a bully to the weak and a coward before the strong. Facing stronger Cultivators, his instinct was to shrink back.

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