Published at 16th of May 2022 05:03:55 AM

Chapter 119: Hundred And Nineteen: Don't Look At Me

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Chapter hundred and nineteen: Don't look at me.

Rosemund stood by the railing and watch her brother keenly. It was raining. Raining didn't correctly describe the weather. It was a down pour with thunder and lightning yet Rosemund watched her brother fight most of his knights under the rain.

It's been a week since they were ambushed and all the king did was keep busy with kingdom affairs or work his knights to weary with his consistent training and drills.

She could see he was clearly in pain and keeping busy was how he could survive at all but Rosemund was getting the chills just watching him from the railings.

Rosemund watched as Alexander knocked down one his Knights. Normally, he would give his opponent a chance to get up on their feet but he just kept hitting the poor Knights shield until the knight rolled away and another knight replaced him.

Rosemund wanted to yell for him to come inside but she heard some footstep and she turned around. It was Semeen.

"Your royal highness" Semeen was courteous and polite. She joined Rosemund to watch Alexander.

"How's he doing?" Semeen asked the crown princess. Her gaze fell on the king again as once again he knocked another of his knight to the ground. 

Semeen saw the rage in him and she knew he was about to lose Control of himself. And he would do something totally stupid like kill his knight. She understood his anger and pain. Losing a mate was the most painful thing that could happen to a wolf. She dreaded sometimes like that happening to her the most.

(Alpha, you are going to kill him. You are going to kill your Knight!) 

Semeen used to mind link to communicate but if Alexander heard her, he didn't acknowledge her because he kept pounding the shield of the fallen knight. So, Semeen answer her own question.

"The king is not alright" 

Rosemund sat on Semeen's reply for a while before she spoke.

"He will be alright. He just needs to shake it off"

Semeen gazed at the crown princess. She had no idea what it means to have lost a mate and the grief that came with.

"Well, he is going to kill that know knight if he is not stopped" Semeen observed from where they stood.

Rosemund turned and walked towards the exit. If getting wet was the only way to drag her brother away from the raging rain then she was prepared to do that. Rosemund was near the exit when Semeen spoke.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" Semeen asked mild tone of voice.

Rosemund stopped walking and looked at her "Tell him what?" 

Semeen wondered whether she should be playing with fire like she was about to.

"Are you ever going to tell him that you helped his Luna escape?"

Rosemund tried to keep a blank face. It was a big accusation coming from the rescued slave. an accusation that might earn a position on the chopping block for her pretty little head.

Rosemund moved closer to Semeen. What she needed to say, she couldn't say it from the distance she was standing.

Semeen saw the crown princess's posture as it stiffened. It confirmed her accusation. Rosemund had masterminded Queen Janessa's escape. Semeen just didn't know the reason why she did it.

"You don't know what you are talking about, Semeen" Rosemund tried to deny the accusation Last minute.

But Semeen was a Wolf, an Alpha and she could hear Rosemund's increased heart beat and she saw the fact that she nervous all of a sudden.

"Why. I don't know why you would do something like that to the Alpha, Princess Rosemund"

Rosemund saw that there was no point denying the accusation anymore. Semeen knew plain and simple.

"How did you know?" She asked Semeen instead.

"Because there was no way the Luna could have escaped without help. I just needed to see who stand the most to gain from her disappearance and it was you, Crown princess Rosemund" Semeen has never been one to cower or not speak her mind because of fear of retribution. 

It was her job to protect the Alpha of her pack even it was from the people he loves.

"You think I did that for a selfish reason? How dare you, Semeen? I love my brother and I will never intentionally hurt him" 

Semeen refused to stand down not without the truth.

"You stand to inherit the crown if your brother doesn't produce an heir, my princess" Semeen told her bluntly. 

Rosemund raised her hand and slapped Semeen. Semeen's face moved to the right like she was trying to control her anger and stop herself from picking the princess up and throwing her over the railings. 

Janessa was her friend and Luna, and she was gone. Rosemund took her from her pack and the Alpha was too distracted to function well. Semeen turned to face Rosemund. Her scratching to be let free but she refused to let her anger overpowered her.

To prevent a bad situation from escalating, Semeen headed for the exit. She knew that ripping Rosemund apart was not in her best interest. 

Before she could reach the hallway, Rosemund spoke in a tearful voice.

"I don't want the crown. I sent Janessa away to protect my brother and the pack including you. She could hear your thoughts, Semeen. It would have just been a matter of time before she found out Alexander's secret and ruin him" Rosemund explained.

"Or she could have saved the pack by uniting the king with his Wolf. She could have protected Alexander too" Semeen knew that Jamie's nature was to protect and defend. She was so certain that letting the secret slip out would have cemented her relationship with the wolf king. She was certain Rosemund was wrong.

"No Semeen. You don't understand, Janessa didn't love my brother. She was looking for ways to hurt him. I did my job. I protected my brother the only way I know how. So, when i saw the chance...I slipped a note to her room with my plans. It was a simple plan. Take me hostage to make Alexander let her leave and I took care of the knights by hiring mercenaries with dart throwing skills. I didn't know she was going to threat my brother. He might be miserable but he is alive and I am not sorry"

Rosemund first saw the horror on Semeen's face. At first she thought Semeen was looking at her but then she watch her line of vision, someone was behind her. Slowly, she turned to see Alexander standing behind her.

How much of her confession did he hear? Was he standing there the whole time? What was he going to do now? Rosemund felt her heart pound even faster and she suddenly felt like her legs would give way and she would fall and die.

Was she going to lose her only family over this? She took a step closer to Alexander. His face was blank and Rosemund had no way of knowing his true feelings.

"Alexander?" She whispered his name like she was trying to calm a wounded dog.

"Alexander?" She called out again as if by saying his name twice he would try to understand why she did what she did.

Alexander was soaking wet. He was dripping water on the floor.

"You masterminded the whole thing, Rose?" It was the only words that came out of his mouth after five minutes of standing still.

"Yes. I am sorry" Rosemund decided that the best thing to do was to own up to her actions and take whatever punishment he gave her.

Alexander shrugged and wiped the beads of water of his face "I guess I knew that already"

Then he walked away. 

Semeen tried to catch up with the King. She didn't understand what had just happened in the hallway. 

"Your highness?" Semeen called out, almost yelling "How long have you known that Rosemund planned the whole thing?"

Alexander slowed down but he didn't stop walking "About five seconds after it happened"

"And you just allowed it?"

Alexander stopped abruptly and faced Semeen. "My sister masterminded the plan except force Janessa to escape. She left because she wanted to. She had a choice and she chose....not me. She chose and now, I am soaking wet standing in my hallway explaining the fact that she chose...not me. If you will excuse me, I have clean clothes I want to wear except you want to join me in my bed"

Semeen tried not to take an offense that the King just asked her to bed.

Alexander was almost at the door when the messenger approached him.

"Your highness" hawkish looking lad bowed to him. He pulled out a letter from his bag.

Semeen saw the messenger approach and she moved closer to where they stood.

"I have a message from the southern hemisphere for you, your highness" 

The messenger presented the letter to him and Alexander took it.

He opened the letter and read it. Then his fist clenched.

"What is it, your highness?" Semeen asked him as soon as the messenger left.

"Janessa has been captured by the southern bandit. They require a ransom for her release"

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