Published at 16th of May 2022 05:05:22 AM

Chapter 57: Fifty Seven : Old Friends

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Chapter fifty seven: Old friends

Jamie walked down the lonely path. Everywhere was quiet and asleep. Even her mind was strangely blank and at peace. She listened to the sound of the wind and it was soothing. The air was cold and wet like it was about to rain. She felt the first droplet of rain and she smiled. It was just her vivid and real.

Jamie could pretend that she was in the Eastern hemisphere in Namura and she did. She could feel her body relax and the muscle loosened. She was in her cabin in the forest with her best friend Ursla and when the sun set they were going to practice archery and blade fighting.

Jamie bent down and pulled out a blade from her ankle. She started fighting the air with her eyes closed like she had done numerous times with Ursla.

She imagined that she didn't even need a veil for her face and she was fighting freely. Jamie realized that for those seconds in her made up world that she was actually happy.

She was interrupted by a sound. It was more of a snarl and she opened her eyes abruptly. Jamie wasn't alone.


Rosemund knew that there was no need trying to force herself to sleep. It wasn't going to happen. She was too worried about her brother and King. It was the first time since Alexander became king that she had no knowledge whatsoever where he was.

Did he make it to the dead zone or was he roaming around Aradale as a wolf? She stood up and unlike Jamie, she wore a proper dress and cloak. The air was a little bit chilly.

Rosemund made her way down to the garden. She always hated the damn place. It was her father's favorite part of the castle. But if Alexander wanted to come back to the castle. Through the garden would be the fastest route.

The security was considerably lower every full moon. Only a handful of knights were required to stand guard tonight. Rosemund was almost near the garden when  she heard the howl. Bollocks! Alexander was in the garden. More correctly, Max was!

Rosemund raced to the garden. Max was a danger to her but she knew he wasn't going to hurt her. Then she saw Janessa in the garden and she ran even faster.

Jamie heard the wolf before she saw it. It stared at her. She knew it was going to try and kill her. She held the blade in her hand firmly. She wasn't going out without a fight.

The Wolf came closer to her. It brought back memory of her last encounter with a wolf when she fourteen years old. Ursla had saved her and insisted on killing the wolf but Jamie refused.

She clutched the blade tighter in her hand. The Wolf was ready to attack her. Then Jamie looked closer. Wait! It was the same wolf. She could tell from the three brown dots on his nose. And it was distinctive because it was a white wolf.

Jamie still clutched the blade but she lowered it a little bit. If she remembered it maybe the wolf did too.

"Max? Is that you, Max?" She watched as the Wolf howler and watched her even more closely.

"It's me, Jamie. I saved your life. Do you remember me?" Jamie showed the wolf the scar on her hand where it had scratched her years before.

She wondered why she was trying to make an animal remember her, when she should be running for her dear life. But she remembered a story her papa told her. Wolf's had the sharpest memory and the ability to recognize a scent and people but in the story, the wolf could talk. So, Jamie didn't know how accurate it was.

The Wolf charged towards her.

"Max! Stop!" Jamie looked away as he came closer. She didn't have the heart to watch as it mauled her to death.

She waited until... Nothing happened. She opened them to see Max very close to her. It was sitting down.

"Hey! You remembered me after all! I named you Max. What are you doing in the West?" Jamie conversed like the wolf could make sense of what she was saying.

Rosemund launched forward. She saw the blade Jamie was holding and she was determined to come in between the blade and her furry brother.

"Janessa, no!" She yelled as she used her body as a weapon to disarm Jamie.

Jamie instinctively shifted and Rosemund fell on the ground instead. It was going to leave bruises. Jamie dropped the blade as soon as she was by the princess side.

Rosemund opened her eyes. The garden rotated for a second and stopped. Rosemund grabbed the blade Jamie had discarded. If she was going to choose between her ill-mannered sister in law and her brother, the choice was obvious.

She pointed the blade but her aim was wrong and Jamie thought she was going to hurt the wolf. She placed her body in between it and Rosemund.

"He is harmless, her Royal Highness. He is harmless. Don't hurt him"

Rosemund blinked. Jamie was protecting the wolf too.

"What!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"His name is Max. And he is my friend and he won't hurt you...right Max?" Jamie asked like the wolf could talk. "See...he is harmless, Rosemund"

"How do you know the wolf's name? You don't have magic, do you?" Rosemund asked Jamie.

"No. I know his name because I named him, Max....four years ago, when I saved him from a fatal stab"

Rosemund had a million and one question to asked but she heard a clicking sound. Someone else was entering the garden. She turned in panic to face Jamie.

"I am sorry, princess Rosemund but I can't let your knights hurt Max. We are going to leave and you won't stop us"

Jamie turned and moved closer to Max.

"Come on, Max! Let's get you to safety"

She ran and Max followed her right behind into the dark cold forest.

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