Published at 16th of May 2022 05:04:41 AM

Chapter 87: Eighty Seven: No One Is An Island

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Chapter eighty seven: no one is an island

(What is he doing here? Can we trust him?) 

Even as Semeen asked Alexander that question through the mind link, she could feel the new rescued wolves trying to stop themselves from turning and attacking Jared.

(Do not turn. I repeat do not turn. He is a friend)

Alexander wondered whether the new wolves would pay heed to his words.

"Lord Jared, what are you doing here?" Alexander asked him 

"The crown princess sent me. She said your highness might need my help and I am here to offer it. No questions asked. What do you need Milord?" Jared's loyalty was unwavering.

"I need a place outside Aradale for them. It has to be a place away from prying eyes and safe" Alexander explained further.

He wondered whether Jared would ask him later why he was in a pauper's clothes? 

Common sense dictates Jared knows he was involved in something illegal.

"I have the perfect place. They can stay in my home in Trinity. It's hidden, near a body of water with no other houses for distance"

"Thank you. I will not forget this"

it took a few more hours for Alexander and his crew to make it into Trinity, it was almost morning. they have been traveling all night.

If Lucinda wasn't informed of her husband benevolence, she didn't show it. she welcomed the thirty seven strangers that showed up on her doorstep with a king dressed in peasant clothes and three knights that looked almost human and called her ma'am.

"Lady Lucinda May, i am in your debt. they will be gone before dusk" Alexander leaned by the door as he watched Jared's children give water and clean linen to the wolves. Rosemund must had sent quite a few things for their convenience. 

"No, your don't owe this family a thing. Jared would do anything for you and your family. and so would i" Lucinda went ahead to help with distribution of water and clean clothes.

Judd watched outside like he was commanding the sun to set already or to halt. he knew he had to get the king back to the castle before people notice he was gone and if he had any chance of doing it then it had to be now. he watched as Lily flew into Alexander's arm as soon as she emerged from the inner room. Alexander picked her up and kissed her cheek. she giggled as he put her down. Now, he was standing a few feet from the king.

"I need to get you back to Aradale, your highness"

"You make it sound like i am incapable of doing that on my own, Judd"

Judd grunted like that was beside the point.

"Okay but Lord Jared's family comes with us. i am not leaving them with strangers" Alexander commanded and walked out.

He made his way towards the river and saw Semeen and Lucinda talking. it looked like a conversation he wanted no part in, he simply turned and walked to the opposite direction.

"You can't tell the Queen about this, Lady Lucinda"

Lucinda almost smiled. the girl had no idea who she was dealing with. she can get away with ordering her fellow ladies in waiting but she was twice her age and she was the queen's advisor. Lucinda was practically the third most powerful woman in the west after the queen and the crown princess.

"I don't work for you, Ms Semeen. you work for me. You are not allowed to order me about" Lucinda was beginning to understand why Jamie hated the young girl.

"I am not ordering...i am asking you not to involved the queen. I am trying to protect queen Janessa too"

Lucinda picked up a basket by her side and started walking towards the house with Semeen right behind her.

"I am sorry, Semeen but i can not lie to my queen and you shouldn't either"

"So, you won't do it?"

Semeen and Lucinda came face to face with the king and his knights before Lucinda.

"The only way i lie to the queen was if the king ordered me to. are you ordering me to keep this from the queen, your highness?" Lucinda asked and looked at the king.

Alexander knew he had to answer wisely.

"No. i don't keep anything from my wife, Lady Lucinda May, you can share it with her if you like but you will keep it from every other person. That is an order, Milady" 

"Yes, your highness"

"Sir Walters will stay behind and take you and your entire family to Aradale, i am not leaving you or your family with a pack of wolves i just met"

Alexander was literal but Lucinda May, figured he meant figuratively.

"Semeen, come with me" 

Alexander signaled for his knights to stay behind as he had a word with his Alpha Luna.

"I want to stay behind" Semeen told him.

"Fine. be care, we don't know this pack yet and if you would be kind enough as to pass the information around that if they attack any human in my kingdom, i will rip them apart limb by limb"

Semeen understood why Alexander was going with threats, he had to show the wolves that he was incharge. he was Alpha.

Then Alexander spoke to all the wolves through the mind link.

(Semeen is in charge in my absence and the humans are off limits)

(I am Alpha Brake, i am in charge not your beta)

(Semeen is not my beta, she is Alpha of the moon pack yet her allegiance is to me as will yours by tomorrow, Alpha Brake or i bid you safe passage from the west, is that clear Alpha Brake?)

(Yes. Yes, Wolf King)

Alexander mounted the horse with Judd and Walters and he rode off to the capital to be King Alexander of Aradale.

When he got to the castle, Rosemund was waiting for him by the stairs.

"You shouldn't be outside, little one. it's too cold"

Alexander could see that his sister was almost trembling from the cold air. he took off the robe he was wearing and wrapped Rosemund in it.

"Did you get them?" Rosemund asked as her brother urged her to start walking into the castle.

"We did. we got thirty seven of them, Rose"

"Good. Good, i am freezing"

Alexander chuckled at the late realization.

"Yes, you are" After a second or two he added "Where is my wife?"

With Rosemund safely returned to the warm comfort of her chambers, Alexander wandered the halls of the castle aimlessly. it was too early to be awake and too late to catch some sleep. but he liked the quiet. it comforted him. It left him alone with his thoughts and the weight of his sword, brought him back to reality every now and there.

Alexander was by the stone carved stairs now. they were a century old yet they were still as sturdy as new. it occurred to him a little too late that he must have climbed the stair four or five times during his walk. It made Alexander stop to re-evaluate himself. As he did, he eyes caught on an inscription by the big stone dog near the bell tower and just for a minute, he glimpsed a memory except it wasn't possible. It was probably made up.

For a brief moment he saw a little boy about four or five with a wooden sword, he had a smile on his face as his father lifted him and threw him in the air. his shrieks and chuckle was always elevated just before the father caught him before he hits the ground. Then they had inscribed something together on the wall. Alexander couldn't see what exactly.... then the image was gone just as fast as it appeared.

Alexander blinked to refocus his mind and as afterthought he rubbed his face with his left hand like it had some magical power to take away made up memory. He dazed mind struggled to remember why he kept taking that particular stairs and for a while he couldn't put his finger on it but like a slow fire burning through a wet log, his foggy mind started to piece it together.

The stairs was the shortest and fastest route to Janessa's chamber but each time he was close to her door, he makes a quick detour and ends up starting the whole journey all over again.

Now, Alexander walked even slower. he was conscious of his intended destination as he walked towards the queen's chamber.

one. two. three more steps and he would be standing directly at the door. and he did, only he must have raised his hand to push the door for a million times but he was hesitant. He was a tired king in need of company yet he couldn't bring himself to knock or walk into his wife's room. there was no worst torture bigger than that. Alexander tried two more times before he finally gave up.

"Be well, well"

With that, Alexander turned and walked back to the place he came from. it was almost sunrise. it was time to be King Alexander again.. it was time to set up the council of nine kings and one queen.

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