Published at 16th of May 2022 05:04:37 AM

Chapter 89: Eighty Nine: Verdicts And Possibly Solution

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Chapter eighty nine: Verdicts, Toni and possibly solution

Judd and Alexander stood on the balcony for awhile in silence. A question played through the king's mind. What do his knights think of his rescues?

"You have not asked any questions about the rescues I have been conducting"

"It's not my job to ask the king questions"

"And the other knights?" Alexander inquired from him.

"They are curious but it won't stop them from helping their king" Judd answered truthfully.

Alexander reckoned he owned him some explanation and he just had to figure out how to explain without letting his secret out.

"Judd, I should tell you..."

"I know, your highness...I know we are just saving trapped and poor families from the south. I know you don't want to start a war with the south and so, you do it in secret. I will tell that to the other knights if they get curious again"

Alexander felt his pulse accelerate. No way, there was just no way Judd knew of his Wolf. Alexander knew it was impossible and if Judd knew he won't be quiet about it. For now, the explanation Judd came up with, was fine and would work on Jared and Lucinda May.

Another footstep made the two knights go for the hilt of their sword instinctively as they turned.

"It's just me, your highness" Semeen was fast to say before she lost her head.

"Why aren't you in Trinity, Semeen?" Alexander's gruff voice asked the young girl.

"I found out about something from the rescues. Something you need to know as soon as possible. Something that would help us" Semeen smiled like she had just been gifted a plus side goat for dinner.

As if on cue, Judd made up an excuse about horses and excused himself.

Semeen moved closer to the Alpha and grabbed his hands and started jumping like a little girl. It made Alexander conscious and amused. 

Her bouncing hair bun jumped like she did with eyes filled with twinkle and hope. She reminded Alexander of Rosemund when she was five.

"Maybe if you stop bouncing, you could let me in on the secret?" 

Alexander pulled her shoulders to get her to be still. But the girl tapped her feet like she was dancing to an inaudible music.

"I found a Seer, your highness among the rescues. He is a blind boy named Toni. But it just a name everyone calls him. His real name is..." 

Alexander caught her off before she could finish. He really wanted her to go straight to the point.

"We rescued a blind wolf?"

"No, he is not a wolf. He is human from now extinct village called Kabra. The wolves found him and raised him and… he is a Seer"

"Why do I need a Seer, Semeen?" 

Alexander was hoping that she would explain further.

"You don't but the Queen does" Semeen wondered how he wasn't getting the full story. She got the information in less than a second and no one explained it to her. 

Bollocks! He was a western king and she was originally from the South. Maybe culture and folktale weren't the same here.


"Okay, I will explain. When I was a little girl, my father told me about the Kabra tribe. According to him, with one touch they could tell you what you are. It was why the moon pack was warned to stay away from them. They had the power to expose us as werewolves to the southern kings"

Semeen saw the fast realization on Alexander's face. He finally understood why she was excited about a blind human boy called Toni.

"So, with a single touch...this Toni can tell me whether Janessa is human or not. He could tell us why she is affecting me?" 

"Exactly!" She started bouncing again with a renewed excitement.

"That is...great news, actually. Set it up with Toni, Semeen"

Semeen bowed to him.

"Yes, your highness. I will set it up"

Semeen headed for the stairs when the king's voice stopped her.


"Yes, your highness"

"Try not to bounce on the way and...Thank you"

As Semeen figure disappeared from the king's sight, he thought of how he could get Janessa to see a little blind boy called Toni. After much consideration, Alexander concluded it was time to come clean to his bride about his illegal activities; Lady Lucinda May was going to tell her anyway.

Now that he had a legitimate reason to go to her room, Alexander made his way there. 

He knew there was only a slight chance she was there since it was breakfast time and she might be in the garden yet he pushed the door to her chamber open.

Jamie was lying on her bed with her face to the wall. She knew she wasn't alone but she figured it was Rachael and she was here to force her to dress up and function for the day.

"Rachael, I want to lie on the bed a little bit more... just for another hour" 

Her voice was dull and barely a whisper.

Was she sick? Did the hand get infected?

Alexander walked to her and climbed into bed without waiting for an invitation or saying a word.

Jamie almost turned around when she felt someone in her bed. She was ready to scream when she heard his baritone voice.

"It's me, Monisha. What is wrong?"

Even though Jamie lay back down and relaxed just a little bit, she didn't want to talk to him but if she was being honest she didn't want him to leave either as she felt his strong body behind holding her.

"Are you sick?" He whispered to her.

"No. I am fine"

"Tell me how I can make it better" Alexander asked her.

"You can't. It will blow over eventually" she whispered.

"Hey" Alexander made her turn and they stare at each other now. "Tell me"

Jamie blinked.

"What happened to you at the river, yesterday?" She asked him instead.

"I don't know...yet. I am trying to figure it out" When he saw the look in her eyes, Alexander decided to explain what he felt at that moment.

"It was like everywhere was too bright and I couldn't keep my eyes open, I could hear everything from a distance and I felt this terrible painful ache in my head. It was the second time I felt that way"

"When was the first time?" Jamie asked him.

"The night you were attacked in the forest as I lifted you up from the ground and felt your weak breath on the nape of my neck. It was a bad night. Will you tell me what is bothering you, now?" He had a pleading voice.

"After you threatened to burn down my kingdom with me inside and I saw..."

Alexander felt the full weight of the sting of his words to her.

"Janessa...I am sorry" he meant every word of it. "I could never actually hurt you"

Jamie felt the urge to laugh at his declaration. He could never hurt her? Was that supposed to be a joke? Was it supposed to be funny?

"You could never hurt me?" She said in an expressionless voice even though inside she was like a volcano waiting to explode.

"Yes...not really" he whispered to her.

"You had me lashed in public, dimwit!" She almost sank her fingernails in his throat.

"No, I didn't. You assumed the worst and I let you" Alexander murmured.

"Are you telling me that I imagined the pain? Or the days I spent in the cabin recuperating, did I imagine that too?" She was getting annoyed.

"You fell from the Arabian horse, Janessa. Don't you remember it? You threw a rope to me and climbed on the vicious monstrosity despite my warning"

"To save your life!" She reminded him.

"And you did but the Arabian horse didn't stop. When I found you, you were unconscious and you were lying on the ground. The horse threw you down and kicked you. I carried you back to the cottage and...You know the rest"

Alexander spoke in a voice that she strangely believed.

"But...but... okay, when you shot me with an arrow....I remember that! I have the matching scar to prove it!" Jamie sat upright to show him the injury on her shoulder. He couldn't deny that now, could he?

She wanted to scream at him to deny it. Jamie knew she wasn't crazy and she wasn't making it up in her head. The scar was staring at her right in the face and she was showing it to him.

"I have the scar, Alexander! Did a horse give that scar to me too?" 

His face contained no hint of emotion. It was blank like a new scroll. 

He stood up from the bed and opened her wardrobe and pulled out a red cloak.

"What are you doing?" Jamie demanded

"You are right, Janessa. You didn't imagine the arrow. I did shoot you and now, we are going for a riding"

"To where?" She asked.

"We are going to the site where I shot you"

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