Published at 16th of May 2022 05:04:33 AM

Chapter 92: Ninety Two: What's In Your Head 3?

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Chapter ninety two: What's in your head 3?

Alexander had simply accepted the worst all the time, even expected it. It got to a point where he simply took the bad part of anything good and described it in details. He found out it saved time for people that made assumptions.

He remembered when he ended the war his father waged on the eastern hemisphere, he was only seventeen. He came back to his castle and he didn't make a big event about it, never even uttered a word until he woke up two days later to the cheers of his subjects, calling his name and praising him. It made him uncomfortable but it didn't stop him from standing by the stone railing and watch as thousands of people chanted his name with an expressionless face. He knew his father was rolling in his grave.


Jamie's voice brought him out of the head.


"Why would you let me believe you had me trashed and shot for trying to escape?" Jamie repeated the question to him.

"The opinion formed in your absence without the full truth is always accurate, it spreads like wildfire" he murmured to her.

It confused Jamie.

"Huh?" Jamie scratched her forehead as she try to make sense of the parable.

"It's something my father said to me once"

"What does it even mean?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know. It never made sense to me" Alexander paused for a little bit before he started again "I mean what was the point of refuting your accusations, Janessa. We had just met yet you already painted the picture of a devil with horns. And what you think about me didn't really matter then"

The word then echoed in her mind. He had used it, does it mean there was a now opinion about her?

"Why did you tell me, now?" Jamie asked instead.

Alexander thought about it. 

"Because for some reason, what you think about me suddenly mattered to me and i didn't want you to spend even one more minute thinking i could ever harm you"

Jamie turned and faced him. She traced his face with her eyes, taking in every detail she could find. 

She held his gaze for a while. She saw the truth and sincerity in his eyes. He had been prepared to take a life to protect her, he still was. Heat rose from Jamie's stomach to her chest and gut. Her lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat as if it was in sync with her stomach, chest and gut. Like they were all playing a spelling game of catch ball with her whole being. Their eyes locked and her lips sorted for his.

The smell of his body tickled her nose and made the attraction even more obvious. It must be an expensive scent since it never wore off. The smell of him was hypnotic beyond reason like it was calling out to her to come closer until they were no barrier between them.

As she drew nearer, a wave of warmth bubbled inside her, she curled her toes in anticipation and waited for the release her body needed from his touch. But she needed to be sure he won't turn her away again.

"May i kiss you?"

She knew then, there was a fifty percent chance he would turn her away and walk out of her chamber but it didn't stop her from asking. His hazel eyes blinked like a curious cat with cataract. It was like he didn't hear her and he longed for her to repeat the question.

Jamie leaned in closer. So close, Alexander could feel her breath on his face. He was still and calm, only reminding himself to deep in air at interval.

Then she tilted her head to the side and leaned in even closer, and then she did something that made the center of his feet tingle and his toes curled.

He waited patiently for her to repeat the tantalizing gesture and thanks to the goddess of the moon, she did. She just slowly blew hot air along the axis of his ear before she nibbled softly on his earlobe. Then she whispered her question again.

"May I kiss you, please?" 

Her little voice caress his already aroused being, his little seductress was as vicious as they come.

"Yes, I would like to be kissed" his baritone voice made her smile.

Jamie was pleasured when she saw how he responded to her. Her attempt to take lead wasn't in vain. It aroused her more than anything...the ability to make the devil of Aradale's toes curl.

Jamie pulled away from his ear and stared at his face again. She was on top of him now, her well rounded butt sitting on his thigh. She leaned in and grazed her mouth slightly on his and both of them moaned.

Alexander's hand went around her waist as he pulled her even closer. She was teasing him and he wanted her with such desire that he was on the brink of madness.

"Little dove, I haven't been kissed the way I want to be you want me to take charge?" He asked her like she was the mistress of the house and he was a traveling lad she invited into her bed.

"Shhhh" Jamie pressed her index finger on his lips to shut him up. They were still fully clothed and hadn't done much with each other's body yet it felt good. She liked having all the power.

She kissed his neck and stood up. Alexander sat with his elbows holding his weight as he watched her without uttering a word. What was she doing?

Jamie opened her wardrobe and took out the chains he once used to tie her up to keep her from escaping and she threw it on the bed.

"I am going to put that on you, do you object your highness?"

Alexander had an unreadable demeanor as his finger traced the golden chain.

"I should object. I might find my chest impaled with a dagger if you render me in capable of defending myself, little dove"

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