Published at 23rd of February 2022 05:17:38 AM

Chapter 1225

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"Hey, killing logging, here we go!"

"Don't blink, or... You'll die!"

Looking at the old man, Lin Lei grinned. His bloodthirsty face was seen by everyone, and the cool wind hit behind him.

"Go back, go..."

The old man was shocked, and his bad premonitions surged into his heart. The idea of death flashed. Subconsciously, he said to the people and flashed back to the distance.

They are the most afraid of death when they cultivate to this state. No one is the same. Thousands of years of cultivation, but hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, are buried here for nothing, and they still die for nothing.


The old man spoke late. Before he spoke, Lin Lei's figure faded, and then sword lights flashed among more than a dozen people.

The ten thousand sword formula is displayed incisively and vividly by Lin Lei. I'm afraid the power of creating the ten thousand sword formula is not as powerful as Lin Lei.


The blood dyed the space red. During the exhibition, the air was red with blood. More than a dozen people except the old man turned into thousands of pieces and fell from the air,


"Devil! You are the devil."

The old man who retreated to the distance was very sad to see his friends who had fought side by side turned into powder.

Looking at Lin Lei, he said whatever he wanted. In his eyes, Lin Lei is no longer a person. He... Is a devil, a devil harvesting life. He... Comes from Jiuyou.

"Hum, this is just the beginning. Your Ouyang family is responsible for everything!"

"Maybe it has nothing to do with you, but who let the person who blackmailed me call himself Ouyang's family and pay back my God Zun Qian Youwei before? The middle friar wanted to kill me."

"You Ouyang family forced all this. In the end, you Ouyang family did evil."

"It's not up to people to complain. There's no need for this family to exist!"

Then he turned around and his eyes fell on Ouyang Zhen, who was now deep. A bloodthirsty smile flashed and said coldly, "you... Are not bad."

Indeed, he found out before that Ouyang Zhen was pretty good and half a saint.

"If you don't want to destroy Ouyang's family, you'll all come out and fight. Don't hide under the ground."

In the eyes, the killing intention flashed and passed in a flash. His eyes stared at a ground and his eyes flashed, as if he had seen through the ages.

"Taoist friend, although Ouyang's family made a mistake, it should be enough to kill so many people!" a voice like magic and truth came from all directions,

The voice is a little old, but it is pertinent and powerful. From the words, we can feel that this person... Is a strong man,

"Lao Zu."

The old man who withdrew from 100 meters heard the announcement, prostrated in vain and kowtowed and said, "please go out of the pass and solve the difficulties of Ouyang family."

"It's difficult for Ouyang family to ask you to leave the pass!" looking at the opening, all the people of Ouyang family, men, women, old and young, knelt on the ground and pleaded in unison.


"Taoist friend, your descendants have spoken. Do you think it's decent to hide?"

"In the later stage of Daoguo, you are very good. You are an opponent worthy of a war. Come out and fight with this master."

After that, the long sword is in the air, and the formula of ten thousand swords is used. The second move is condensed in the sword, and ten thousand changes are unified.

Thousands of long swords appeared and merged from Lin Lei's sky. At the next moment, a long sword with the meaning of skyward sword appeared on Lin Lei's head, suspended in panic.

The long sword is simple in style, three meters wide and eight meters long. It is more appropriate to say it is a sword than a giant sword.

"Dao you, do you have to?"

People who hide low speak, and their words are full of helplessness, as if they don't want to fight!

"No way!"

Lin Lei shook his head and said, "I'm not a person who is used to leaving trouble for myself. I don't believe in the gods of Ouyang family."

"So, come on!"

"You can choose to continue to be a shrinking turtle, but your younger generation will suffer for your behavior!"

"You could have saved them, but you didn't, so... They had to die."


A sword roared. With the sound of a long sword floating in the air, I saw that the sword Qi seemed to feel Lin Lei's anger, rushed out in an instant and aimed at everyone in Ouyang's family

"Poop poop"

The next moment, a real massacre began. A massacre without the slightest fighting power was staged.

"Asshole, stop it."

Ouyang Zhen, who kept silent all the time, roared. His cultivation turned and burst out. In a moment, he came to Lin Lei.

After the conversation just now, he understood that thousands of people were probably the people he had sent to inquire and catch,

Feeling the strength of each other, his family's children lay in a pool of blood in front of him. Ouyang Zhen was shocked when he looked at them with weak eyes.

Regret, incomparable regret. If he knows that the other party's cultivation is so strong, how can he let his men go to do things!

However, regret is too late. There is no regret medicine to buy in the world. Regret is useless. The only thing we can do now is to reduce casualties and minimize casualties as far as possible.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you pay your own life. Ouyang family... Is everything to him.

"Boy, do you think you can stop me?" Lin Lei joked, looking at Ouyang Zhen.

Indeed, it is not easy to cultivate semi saints at this age, but in front of him, a real saint, semi saints are nothing but ants.

"Former... Senior, Ouyang family's mistakes come first" words softened, and there was no previous bullying.

He knew that he was not the opponent of the person in front of him. If he angered the other party because of his words, the final result might be the destruction of the whole Ouyang family,

The previous ancestors, he knew in his heart that such people could not be expected. If it hadn't been for the trouble in Ouyang family this time, they didn't know that there was such an old ancestor in the family.


With a sigh, the whole man was decadent and continued: "Ouyang's family is wrong. Everything belongs to me."

"Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. I will bear it all. They..." pointed to the cry below and continued: "they are innocent."

"Please let them go. For this reason, I would like to give all the property of Ouyang family and my life. So, can you?"

He's not sure. He doesn't understand the other party's temperament at all. Now he can only do so. As long as the other party can bypass Ouyang's family, everything is worth it.

Looking at Ouyang Zhen, Lin Lei was a little moved. It's rare for a home owner to do this.

As the saying goes, in the face of a great disaster, each flies, the trees fall and the monkeys scatter. Ouyang Zhen pays his life for Ouyang's family, which is very rare in the holy world.

"The host, if the system says it can be collected directly, such a person may be useful."

"Moreover, he has semi holy cultivation, which is faster than your disciples to break through the holy land. Don't you think he is a talent?"

"Take it. Anyway, you don't lack that little resource. Add a saint to the sect. Why not!"


Lin Lei is moved. Indeed, he really has the impulse to take Ouyang Zhen away. Although such a person has made some mistakes before, he is not bad.

"In that case, accept it!"

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