Sun Spoken Turn - Chapter 54

Published at 18th of July 2023 10:04:32 AM

Chapter 54

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Hello friends and lovers!



Content Warning:


N- none? I don't think? This chapter is kinda tame compared to the rollercoaster we've been on. So... PLEASE let me know if I missed anything!!!



The two women and two monsters rise to stand as Judic leads us into the house's dining room. Honestly the big table there could sit, like… triple our number, but thank fuck Judic seems to have arranged us to be across the short side from each other. On ours sits a chest similar to the one we received the night I performed for Zin. Judic moves to stand on the far end of Zin’s side of the table.


“Lady Inamatorii.” Zin greets first, bows. Budding red mark only slightly dulled on one side of his face. “Thank you for joining us this evening.”


I just nod, lips pursed as I wash my gaze over him and his fellow monster, letting my eyes settle on the older of the two women. I know her, remember… well even with the amount of clients myself and Yrelia have worked with It’s honestly hard to keep their names and faces straight. But… she was the one we’d been with just before our appointment with Judic.


“I take it you were Zin’s trusted source?” I ask… Well, not rudely. But if Yrelia and I had been working she would have been sooo disappointed in my flat and annoyed tone.


But as it is, she follows my lead. “Lady Ophrit? I’m surprised to see you here tonight.”


The older woman has the sense to look at least a little embarrassed, but not ashamed. More… saddened. “Don’t think less of me for it, I’d no idea Zin would request such a… untraditional evening. If I had…”


“But had I not we’d not have this opportunity!” Zin interjects, a sudden fire rekindled. “To encounter a young woman with such a unique history and background. Already in Arudia and–”


We move to our seats, but remain standing. “I take it you already spilled my secrets then?”


That sputters his enthusiasm, makes him consider…


“Only… Only that you are Sun Spoken. Not… not other things. I’m not… not completely devoid of good manners.” He tries to cover his annoyance with a smile of fake shame.


Well that’s… huh. I didn’t expect him to keep that secret for me. Monsters normally take every advantage.


The other monster speaks up then. “He only told us of your status, and your very reasonable concerns at the dangers it has already brought.”


I shift my maimed leg, “Then you understand my desire to be left alone. I almost lost my life, and more importantly, the life of one of my lover’s to a Murtaziq. I did lose my leg to some kind of Cultivation… thing. Lightning inside a stone or some such.”


Painful memories threaten to flare up, but Yrelia squeezes my hand, helps me refocus.


That gets quite a few reactions of surprise. Which… seem genuine. It seems Zin didn’t get that information from my head when he invaded my mind.


“That’s… I couldn’t have imagined that…” Lady Ophrit stammers, horror and worry and pity plain on her face.


I snort, “Don’t worry about it. My magic will let me re-grow it within the next year or so.”


Let’s see how much the monster stole from my mind, and how much he shared with this group. I’m honestly relying on Tasii here more than my own abilities in that. This was a key to our plans that she insisted upon. Information before agreeing to or asking for anything.


“What!?!” The younger woman speaks up, hands are above the table now and… huh. I turn to see that she has… well… what the fuck are those?


I only just now noticed that her ears are weird and long and kinda floppy. Her skin is also a deep blue, but with little green sparkles throughout. Nails are more like talons, but made of jade. Eyes match their hue bit with slits down the middle instead of round iris. Short dark purple hair with… little nubs? Are those horns? They were so small and cute I didn’t notice them until now!


Thank fuck she keeps talking, because I barely keep my face straight as my mind blubbers and fauns over all her neat details. I’d been so… strung up and freaking out over monsters that I’d barely looked at her!


“Lyttoral Alchemy or… No it can’t be Cultivation. You’d… the lack of a leg will be burned into your body now. If you ever decide to bear daughters they’d probably be missing one too!”


“Huh?” Is all I can muster up. I… Fuck that’s not a thought I ever even considered. But… that would require fucking a monster so no thank you fuck that.


Thank fuck Yrelia is on top of her game while I'm just... staring. “Lady Inamatorii is Sun Spoken, her magic has certain advantages.”


The older woman calms, then smirks. I can’t help but feel my cheeks heat at her smirk and tone. “I’ll say, Her abilities truly are… unique.”


Zin coughs, recovering quickly. Too quickly. “Regardless, If you were to travel with us to the Academy you would face no such dangers. To threaten your safety would be a matter for every single family to investigate and repay. And as a guest of two of the five families the punishments would be so extreme none would dare consider it.”


“What exactly are you requesting she do?” Tasii asks.


A beat.


“Apologies but... It seems we’ve not been properly introduced.” The second monster says, “You are?”


It’s a subtle insult, petty, almost could be considered an accidental slight. As my eyes fall on him I begin to make out details. Lighter reddish skin, bright blonde hair, ugly brown eyes. Odd tattoos and cultivation marks run down along his knuckles and up his neck where his clothes end.


“This is Tasii, a woman of the Paths.” I barely avoid snapping, keeping my tone just this side of civil. “As am I.”


He nods from his seat, “Of course, I simply… Zin did not have the ability to provide us proper names and titles for any but your teacher. I have nothing but respect for those free of… troublesome familia and the obligations that come with it.”


I don’t know whether he’s… if he’s still trying to be rude. But Tasii speaks up without squeezing my hand. “Thank you, We’ve found ourselves in a similar situation. You are…?”


“Of course, I am Gregoris of house Wringletta.”


“And I am Lady Delphian Rell.” The younger woman adds, eyes still locked on me. Trying very hard to see around the chair at my supposed healing leg. Face still entwined with my earlier claim. Then adds. “Cousin to Zin.”


Lady Ophrit sighs, “And here I am, simply a Lady bound lightly to one of the five families. Simply Lady Ophrit if it pleases you.” She lays a hand on Delphian’s shoulder. “Love, please, focus on the bigger questions.”


“There are no larger questions than the nature of such magics.” But Delphian tears her eyes free to regard Lady Ophrit. “I can’t believe you came across such an individual during your nighttime entertainments!”


“All the old tales speak of meeting enchanting lovers on the road or taverns dear, not in a private study.” Lady Ophrit smirks down at her, “If you’d joined me like I suggested, you’d have enjoyed her work yourself.”


“But, to my previous question,” Tasii interrupts, “What are you planning on having Ina do?”


“Yes, that is more pressing.” Zin agrees, “I’ll admit though… It involves a great deal of boring politics, traditions, and tasks. An order of things that would end in the Lady rewriting the foundational Arudian obelisks. The oldest legal texts at the Academy. For her words to force our people to acknowledge Arudian men as free citizens worthy and deserving of all the rights and privileges and protections of women.”


“Is… I’m sorry but…” Yrelia muses, “Is that even possible?”


Zin nods. “In theory, yes. A Sun Spoken carved the words into them.”


“But… how, exactly?” I press.


“Uh… Well with your magic.” He seems to… flounder. “There are ancient tomes and such that hold words that only a Sun Spoken could understand. And… well I’ve heard from some sources that Sun Spoken have the ability to commune with the Weaver in their dreams. We were hoping that if they don’t hold the instructions to such an ability, that you could… eh… ask Her yourself?”


Tasii squeezes my hand.


There it is. The thing this monster should not know. The name and relationship I have with Her. I didn’t catch in all my anger and fury before. Things I’d shared only recently with my lovers. Things Emarial had insisted were kept secret to the wider world. Things he could not know unless I told him, which I did not do. Not willingly.


“Really?” I smile sweetly, all brittle and horrid. Obvious to anyone with a bit of observational skills that I am not amused. “Who could possibly have led you to believe such a thing was possible?”


Zin freezes, senses that something is wrong. Seems to shuffle. He and Ophrit are the only two standing at this point other than my lovers and myself.


“I have my sources.” He tries to recover. “Scholars at the Academy sympathetic to our cause who have… um… studied reports and even recorded collaborative research alongside a Sun Spoken.”


Tasii squeeze my hand, but I don’t need her to tell me this fucking parasite is lying.


“Well it’s news to me!” I shrug, and throw out a lie. “I’ve never even talked with Her, don’t really have dreams anymore since after I was… well since I became this.”


Zin nearly falls apart, almost insisting that I told him those things. But I didn’t, so to claim I did and that I lie now would be counterproductive. The only thing I need to know now, is if these other three know about the dream stone.


The second monster sighs, “Well… this will slow things down. I’m not sure a week is enough time for even our best scholars to comb the amount of books she’ll need to go through alone.”


“Books?” I reply, switching to a confused look.


“Yes… I didn’t have much faith in Zin’s sudden claims that you might be able to commune with some ancient thing for the knowledge needed.” He rubs a temple. “Honestly we should just wait until after the celebrations, have her join the Academy and gain access that way. Won’t raise suspension and will avoid possible unhelpful interests in you.”


Tasii’s hand remains still… which annoys me. But… My lover's relief helps soothe me. One down, now… how to get the other two to say or hint at it plainly.


“Lady Inamatorii,” Zin huffs, “Are… are you sure you're not mistaken? That… that maybe–”


Lady Ophrit bops him on the arm, “What? Is she certain that she’s not having dream tea with an ancient Goddess? Please Zin, Insulting our only chance at this is a poor plan.”


Perfect. Tasii’s hand remains still. The relief there probably shows on my face. Lady Ophrit was a bit overwhelming at times, but kind and reasonable in her time with Yrelia and myself.


“I can’t believe…” Delphian huffs, “You made me wait all day here, away from my studies and work, so we could plan on her maybe going to the Academy in a month? All because of some unproven theory about her being able to–”


And that’s it then. Tasii’s grip on my hand loosens, but doesn’t drop. Zin is the only one aware of the Dream stone. He didn't trust these three enough to tell them.


“I’m quite sure that–” Zin tries to calm her.


“No, Zin, this was impulsive and stupid and…” She stands, but her eyes flit to me. Studies my state and face and eyes for a moment. Her eyes seem to… glimmer. “How, by the moon and stars, did you even convince her to stand here and deal with your fumbling?”


Zin huffs, annoyed and embarrassed. “I’m only–”


“No. Be quiet.” The strange little woman hisses, and I realize she’s just a bit shorter than me as she fully turns to me. “Apologizes for my cousin’s… everything, honestly. He’s an impulsive fool who probably just squandered our biggest and best opportunity at getting your help.”


My mind can’t help but stutter to a halt. “I… I can’t say he’s in my good graces, no.”


“Lady Ina–” He starts again.


A side glare from Delphian stops him, then she turns back to me. “I would like to… to make this up to you. Somehow. Leave this talk of changing Arudia to the side for a few weeks. Allow my beloved bound and I to host you and yours in our home for as long as you're willing to stand the cold of our city.”


That… jerks me to a halt. I can’t help but tilt my head. “Why?”


“Because, my idiot cousin has all but admitted to us that he’s insulted you multiple times over the past few days, and thought to brow beat and twist you into serving his goals despite it. That’s not why we’re doing this. We’re supposed to be doing this to help people.”


The monster looks to be ready to explode then, such a fury builds and builds and–


But then Gregoris laughs, deep and horrible. But also real and full of mirth. Stupid monster. Stupid parasite. My mind instantly reacts.


“She’s got you there Zin, you really fucked this up.” He says through a chuckle, “If you were my family I’d be furious with how you’ve tarnished the Rell name before a Sun Spoken.”


Zin turns to him, but embarrassment is overcoming his anger. “I didn’t intend any of that. I’m simply trying to seize an opp–”


“Unfortunately it doesn’t matter.” Yrelia interrupts. “We’re not currently interested in taking on clients, Lady Delphian. But… thank you for your offer and honest observations of your families… behavior, over the past few days.”


“Oh, not as…” Delphian pauses, “I mean to extend this invitation as honored guests. A Sun Spoken and her companions. Not as Hetaera. An honest attempt to begin working out a means to repay and repair my family's reputation in your eyes.”


This… huh. This could work! The plan involved a reluctant use of Zin and his connections… but this… I can handle spending time with these two way better than the monster.


But… That’s a later step.


I look down the table, plans forming. “I honestly just want to leave this city and never return. But…” I sag, and it’s not entirely a performance. “Zin is right in his goals. Just… not in how he was willing to get there. Using anyone like that is not just wrong… It’s just… How can someone claim to want better for those like us if we still use and hurt them all the same?”


“Exactly. I agree, but I’m… not sure I follow?” I can see Delphian’s eyes puzzle and puzzle at my words. The seed is planted. Now to water it…


“If I can help, I’d like to.” I add, look back. “But…”


“I… Lady Inamatorii my deepest apologies for any slights and discomfort I’ve caused.” Zin starts. “I simply hope I can–”


“No, Zin.” I turn back to them, voice hard. “Words can’t fix this.”


A long pause as I glare across the table at him, the monster grinds his teeth and begins to glare down at me. At this little thing he wants to break and hurt and violate and–


“I’m offering you protection, coin, and more if you would just… cooperate. What difference do some small blunders of hospitality and tradition matter? What are a few days of discomfort, a few weeks of possible danger, compared to what we’ve already experienced? What means could possibly compare in their cruelty to the ends I strive for?”


I give the monster who knows my pain and sorrows a grimace. “I’m not going to work with people like that ever again, Zin. Not if I can help it. They’ll always… always make excuses for why their methods are okay. Use their own pain to excuse hurting more people.”


Another long pause as… as Zin seems to boil a bit. Stewing between wanting to say more and knowing to do so will cost him the future he wants.


“Besides, I don’t want your coin.” I wave a dismissive hand at the chest on the table. “But… there is one thing I will take as payment for my efforts going forward. Alongside accepting Lady Delphian’s offer and traveling with her to the Academy to see if I can help.”


That catches them off guard. Perfect.


“Name it.” Zin finally says, cooling a bit.


I brush my hair aside, subtly turning my head to make the Cultivation mark visible to anyone knowing what to look for.


“I want the stone.”



ALSO ALSO Come on over to join our discord for SST and/or LoTDD talks! 


To read ahead by about 6k words (3 chapters) of BOTH my series consider supporting this silly writer on Patreon!


And to check out a DARK lesbian/trans fantasy story feel free to read Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer!

BUT BE WARNED, it is dark and very much the opposite of Sun Spoken Turn in many ways. BIG sad/trauma!!! 

Read the Content Warnings!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!