The Quest of Words - Chapter 40.1

Published at 5th of June 2023 07:11:06 AM

Chapter 40.1

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I was floating… I think.

It can be strange, but so much of the way we perceive the world is intrinsically linked to our own bodies. The physicality of them. The wash of color, whether our eyes are open or not. The way the wind trickles through the fine hairs along your arm. The little inconsequential sounds that go ignored yet surround us all the same.

I felt none of that. But what I did feel the English language is not really equipped to describe. Nor any of the others I knew. And how could they? As far as I was aware, they too had been molded from minds much like my own. The minds of physical beings.

If I had to, I would say it was like being thrust into the middle of whatever the opposite of a sensory deprivation chamber is… but without the actual capacity to sense anything? There were… vibrations of a kind, I guess. But that is not the right word. The waves of it came in from random angles, all at once, and far too fast to make sense of.

Above. Below. Left. Where my right testicle should have been. Then that… other direction.

You might say they were loud. Or soft? Sometimes both. Melodic. Blue. Marzipan. That one kernel of unpopped popcorn left in the bottom of the bag. Yellow.

And all so intense and demanding! I wanted nothing more than to plug my ears, close my eyes, and shut it all out. But I did not seem to be able to.

I could only think I was finally losing it. Or having a stroke. One or the other.

Then there came the other thing. It was massive in a way that should have defied description. But in this place, its existence was as a soothing balm to my already bruised psyche. I could at least understand ‘big.’

Sounds came. Actual sounds. Not… whatever I was floating in. Great, booming rumbles. Music to my non-ears.

Between a pair of its massive appendages, the being somehow pulled existence together into a sort of light. First an orange line. Then planes. Geometric prisms. Eventually, they too twisted into shapes I could no longer make sense of.

I wanted to weep, but I had no eyes. The light, once so beautiful, had become yet another misshapen horror. I felt betrayed.

Now complete, the ‘shape’ the thing had constructed swooped down. Or perhaps through itself. It was hard to say. But it seemed to scoop up some of the not-really-vibrations I was submerged in.

The pain lessened.

The contrast was so sharp, I nearly fainted. If that was even possible.

Soon enough, the cosmic horror had tucked its bundle of insanity onto what might be described as a shelf, but I was tasting the aroma of A# at that moment. So I could have been wrong.

This went on for what felt like ages, but if time was a factor in this place, I would very much have preferred it fucked right off. I had enough to deal with. The thing out there weaved its baskets of light. My prison would stir, each pass weakening the mind-numbing pressure. More and more of those glowing, nonsensical shapes were fixed out in whatever firmament of bullshit the entity was using.

I wanted to thank it for alleviating my torture. But I could not speak any more than I could hear. I wanted to reach out to it. Touch it. But I had no arms to extend.

Still the pressure lessoned. The vibrations slowed. Patterns of a sort began to emerge. Pushing me. Prodding. First one way and then another. Then in circles.

Again, the being passed its glowing box through my prison of potential, and finally, the conflict lessened to the point where I could actually focus on one single thing at a time.

There was a need. An action to take.

I began to flow.


We opened our eyes.

The world was suffused with so much light, it was near blinding. But there seemed to be no source.

We did not care about that. Our love was before us. Finally.

Our hearts swelled. Our breath caught. We wanted to caress our skin. To embrace.

Our lips met. A phallus rose, instant and demanding. A clitoris swelled, revealing the moistened canal beneath in invitation. Each pulsating with its own unique want.

The difference confused us.

We pulled away too soon, mournful. Our brows furrowed. We had met with paradox. In order to truly join, we had to move both down and up at the same time. But that could not be.

Realization came. We were not designed this way. To be one and the other.

Sound intruded. Unwanted. Rude.


“We have no time for this,” we reminded ourselves.

We nodded. The maze did not care how disoriented we were. Nor would it wait. It could only collapse.

We turned to look at [our pet/Lynnria]. Again the confusion. A difference of viewpoint.


Burgeoning affection.

Kind of cute.

We do like her hair.

Staunch ally, so far.

A bit pushy.

A liar.

Who isn’t?

We shook our heads. She had been injured in our defense. We would help her.


Our hands rose. The Words came.


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