Published at 29th of March 2022 08:05:45 PM

Chapter 83: 82 - The Tournament

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Today is the 5th of September, about a week and a half after I'd interrogated Ze-Ro. Since then, I'd gone down there three times to gather more information from him, and while he was becoming more and more was a slow process, and I can't afford to get impatient or try to rush it, or else all the effort I've put in till now will be wasted. So I hadn't been able to get anything substantial out of him just yet, but I was getting there. 

I'd also captured two more criminals, though their crimes were pretty petty, vandalism and flashing, respectively. Okay, so the latter is pretty messed up, but the guy flashed his victims and then ran away without even getting near them, so he's not exactly dangerous. Unfortunately, there were still plenty of crimes being reported, so it looks like I'll be busy with that for a while yet. Yay. 

I mean, I guess it can be fun, but most of the time, it's kinda tedious and boring, so yeah. Other than that, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Oh, and it looks like I'll be able to go back to my place in the North Quadrant soon, since it was becoming clear that Hebi was no real threat. 

He's reasonably strong and has decent XFE capabilities, but that's not what I mean...he's kinda gotten addicted to digital entertainment and good food, he has little interest in anything else. He even said that the life of a NEET is really, really appealing to him. 

So, yeah, I no longer need to babysit him. He was perfectly happy with never leaving the apartment, he hadn't left even once since I first started living with him, and he was all for keeping it that way. 

Director Silva suggested allowing him to live in comfort as he wants, and in exchange, he has to join the ranks of our X-Warriors. I didn't see the merit in that at all...I mean, look at how the X-Warriors reacted to me, just imagine how they'd react to this if it really happened. I then pointed out to her that he's not remarkably strong or anything, so it's not really worth it. 

She then got the idea of creating something similar to the chip that gets implanted in us when we undergo the Awakening Procedure, to regulate and stabilize his XFE and the way it manifests. After all, Wights have evolved a lot more than we have, since they were exposed to several more times radiation than we were. 

We can't use our XFE until we undergo the Awakening Procedure and even then, more often than not, it's an insignificant amount. But with Wights, they can naturally use their XFE in significant, what if they went through something similar to the Awakening Procedure? The result would most likely be a huge increase in power. 

I can't lie, she definitely managed to intrigue me with that...but then, it's not like I have much of a say in the X-Warrior Zone HQ decision-making process, not directly anyway, so I'll just sit back and see where that idea goes. 

Anyway, I was currently in class, chatting with some of my classmates and eating a small box of mini-donuts. Kumar was running late, and I figured I'd eat my lunch for a second breakfast. And as for lunch, I can just buy something from the cafeteria. 

"You know, we should do something fun tomorrow," Suggested Mitchell with a grin. 

"What for?" Inquired Kiran with a raised eyebrow. 

"Well, duh...tomorrow's sixty-nine! As in, the 6th of September, the ninth month of the year!" it is...and it also happens to be my birthday. It totally slipped my mind, since I don't usually do anything on my birthdays. I'm definitely not going to bring it up, waste of time. 

"Sounds pointless...I mean, yeah, sixty-nine, nice and whatnot...but it comes around every single year, so it's about as special an occasion as a birthday," I chimed in, as I munched on another donut. 

"Wow, I have never heard anyone say the word 'birthday' with such lack of joy. And on another note, seriously, how are you not fat as hell, with the amount of sugar you consume, you shouldn't even be able to fit through a doorway," Remarked Mitchell with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah, well, I train more than I eat sweets, so it evens out," I replied with a shrug. 

"I always used to think that I ate too many sweets, but looking at you, I feel a bit better about my dessert-eating habits," Said Suri with a wry smile. 

"Get off my back," I grumbled, as I stood up and headed for the trashcan, I had one donut left and I figured I'd enjoy it more if I threw away the box now...otherwise, my enjoyment of the last donut might be impeded by the sense of lazy dread of having to throw the box afterwards. 

As I threw it into the trashcan and began to head back to my seat, my sense of anticipation rising as I focused on the donut between my fingers, a hand suddenly swung out and struck at it...knocking it to the ground. 

"Oops, didn't see you there, Dud," Sneered Asshole...because who else? 

Un...unforgivable...I could feel the fury rising up inside me, and as he began to walk away with a laugh, I snapped and grabbed his throat, tightening my grip before slamming him against the wall, seized by pure rage. You don't fuck with my sweets... 

"You can call me Dud or whatever else you want, I don't care...but get between me and my sweets and I'll fucking kill you," I remarked icily, my voice trembling with rage as he let out a choked gasp. 

He raised his fist in desperation, I quickly grabbed his wrist and the pulled as hard as I could in the wrong direction, breaking his elbow with a loud crunch, eliciting a strangled scream of pain from him, as I tightened my grip around his throat. 

"Aw, did that hurt? Let me make it up to you, I'll make that painful arm disappear,

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