Published at 5th of February 2022 06:14:59 PM

Chapter 193: 192 – Wolf’s Plans

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Pax almost bit his knuckles into a pulp to keep himself from dissolving into peals of laughter at Ren using the ultimate 'Daddy will cry' weapon on the babies.

Still, it was extremely effective, and the babies had already forgotten all about being upset and insecure, and were happily cuddling up with Ren and basking in their beloved Daddy's affection now, fully convinced that Ren would not love them any less despite their slow progress.

Pax silently thought that the furballs were cute enough as it is, and even if they were never able to shape shift into a human form, it would not be a colossal loss or anything.

Once the babies calmed down, Ren and Pax brought them downstairs and Chef Jules quickly laid out a feast that made everyone happy. This time, the furballs were especially attentive to their new brother and even helped him eat his favourite things, and Sylvia also instructed Ray that he must never transform into his dragon form in front of anyone except Daddy Ren, Papa Fang, Uncle Pax, Uncle Wolf, Uncle Prince Uno, Auntie Princess Una, Uncle Zeus, Grandma the Dragon Queen and their siblings. If anyone outside of these people were present, then Ray had to maintain his human baby form. After all, Sylvia's snake form was still a known, if rare, species – but dragons were mythical creatures, and it would be quite dangerous if other people saw Ray!

"You can also pretend to be a soft toy or a statue if there is an emergency," Rudy advised Ray.

Ray blinked his golden eyes at Ren. "What is a soft toy, Daddy? And what is a statue?" he asked innocently.

"Come with us, we will show you," Sylvia said. She had started walking in her human form, although her steps were not very stable yet. Her speech had also gotten clearer.

Pax stood up. "I'll take the babies to their play room," he said.

Shadow made a cute face at Pax. "No treats today, Uncle Pax?" he asked pitifully.

Pax chuckled and rubbed the puppy's head affectionately. "There are both toys and treats. Who wants to come with Uncle Pax?" he asked.

All the babies immediately abandoned Ren and ran after Pax.

Fang, who had been watching videos of birds teaching their baby birds how to fly, smirked at Ren – the babies sometimes abandoned Fang and ran off with Ren, and this was the first time it had happened with Ren, and the expression on his face was rather comical.

Ren glanced at Fang and shook his head helplessly at the latter's gloating expression.

"Our babies – they are a bit spoilt, aren't they?" Ren murmured.

Fang raised his eyebrows. "And whose fault do you think that is?" he demanded.

Ren blinked innocently at him, copying Ray's expression from just now.

Fang rolled his eyes.

Wolf cleared his throat. "Ren, Fang – actually, I wanted to discuss something with the two of you," he murmured in a somewhat nervous voice.

"Sure, Wolf," Ren said easily. "Go ahead."

"Er – well, more than a discussion, actually, I needed your advice," Wolf said hesitantly.

Both Ren and Fang leaned forward curiously.

Wolf blushed suddenly. "I – I want to marry Claw," he said softly. "I want to propose to her, but I don't know what would be the best way to go about it…"

He pulled out a box from his pocket and put it on the table. "I bought a ring, but I don't know if she will like it and I don't know if she will agree to be my wife," he murmured.

Then he opened the box and showed the ring to Ren and Fang. It was a ring made of gold, a thin gold band and where one would normally expect a flower or a delicate design, there was a Wolf's paw with sharp claws instead.

Ren and Fang looked at each other.

"Is that a Wolf's paw?" Fang asked.

Wolf nodded. "Yes, and see the claws? They are really sharp, just like the real thing! I managed to get an imprint of a real wild wolf and this design is to scale with that one!" he said excitedly.

"Aren't you afraid that Claw's finger will get scratched by the sharp claws?" Ren asked.

Wolf's face fell. "I – I didn't think of that," he murmured. "I thought that a ring like this would be very romantic. It's a wolf's claw – get it? As in, my Claw!"

Fang chuckled. "I think Claw will actually like it very much," he said frankly.

Ren looked at Fang, and Fang nodded. Fang was more familiar with Claw than Ren, since Claw had been Fang's bodyguard when he was in high school, and the two of them had become good friends. Fang had known for a long time that Claw had a massive crush on Wolf, and he knew her choices and tastes much better than Ren.

"It's quite sweet in a way, once you think about it," Ren said, patting Wolf on the shoulder. If Fang said that Claw would like it, Ren would not doubt it at all. So, he was all too happy to encourage his friend to pursue his beloved!

"May be you can put something under the sharp claws so that they don't touch her skin directly?" Fang asked. Romantic or not, Ren's point was valid. No matter how sweet or romantic a gesture was, if the engagement ring ended up scratching Claw's finger, it would be a disaster, wouldn't it?

Wolf nodded. The last thing he wanted was to injure his lovely Claw in any manner! He thought of her long, elegant fingers that were powerful enough to crack a man's skull open with a single punch and his eyes turned misty. His Claw was awesome!

"You can design a wedding ring to go with it," Ren suggested. "So you can make the claws land on the wedding ring that can be fitted together with this."

"And you can have a matching one for yourself as well," Fang added. "Couple rings are always nice."

Wolf nodded eagerly. "I will do that right away!" he said. Then he bit his lip again. "But – but how should I propose to her?" he asked.

"Take her to a nice place that she really likes, go down on your knees and propose," Ren said.

"You have to tell her your feelings sincerely," Fang said at the same time.

"But I don't know what to say!" Wolf wailed.

Ren narrowed his eyes. "Aren't you the romance expert? Who was the one warning Fang that I am the most unromantic person ever when Fang and I were just starting to date?" he demanded.

Wolf waved his hand casually. "All that is different. With Claw, I am very serious! I want her to be my wife, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her! I want us to have children together and to grow old together! I can't use those random little gestures and things to charm her for something so big!" he explained.

Ren rolled his eyes. "If you want to keep her by your side for the rest of your life, don't you think that you need to charm her every single using all your power? Who else are you going to charm if not your own life partner?" he asked.

Wolf fell silent and tapped his chin thoughtfully. "That does make sense," he murmured. "Do you think that she will like it if I took her to a fancy restaurant and proposed to her there? I could have the restaurant arrange for musicians and flowers and things…"

Ren looked at Fang. He had no idea if Claw would prefer a public proposal or a private one – this was completely a matter of individual choices! It would be a disaster if Claw felt really embarrassed if she was to be proposed in public, and it would also not be very nice if Wolf made a proposal in private and Claw thought that he was not serious enough because he did so in a private place.

Fang thought for a moment. "That's not a bad idea, actually," he said finally. "You can take Claw shopping, buy her a nice dress and accessories and things, and then take her to a nice restaurant with a romantic atmosphere to propose. I think that she will like it. She has liked you for a very long time, and there were a lot of people who used to make fun of her for this. A public proposal will probably make her feel better than a private one."

Wolf grinned.. "I will take her to the best restaurant that serves her favourite cuisine, and I will see if I can arrange for her favourite music band to play live on that day, and I will get her favourite flowers, and I will…" He went on and on enthusiastically until Pax returned with the babies in tow and arched an eyebrow at his brother.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!