Published at 3rd of February 2022 08:28:00 AM

Chapter 50: 50 - Business Deal

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"You should rest a little more," Fang said solicitously, watching Ren working away on his laptop.

The slight discomfort on Ren's face didn't go unnoticed, and Fang felt a bit guilty, but his guilt was tinged with satisfaction.

"Can't," Ren said absently. "I'm meeting the trade department officials in the evening."

Fang was surprised. "Didn't you already finish everything yesterday?"

"This is a new deal," Ren said, finally looking up at Fang. "Remember the waterfall we visited yesterday for the photoshoot?"

Fang flushed and nodded. Ren had looked unbearably alluring when he stood under the waterfall, completely drenched and holding out a hand to Fang. It was one of Fang's absolute favourite shots from yesterday.

"Do you remember the remote area to the north of the waterfall that tourism department officials pointed out?" Ren asked.

Fang nodded. "They mentioned that it was quite inaccessible most of the time because of the difficult terrain and that a lot of people in that area suffered from diseases in the winter. Even airplanes couldn't go in during the winter months."

Ren nodded. "And cutting down the mountains would upset the ecological balance," he said. "I think I've figured out why the magic in the air is so rich in the Dragon Nation... their culture requires them to respect and preserve natural resources. In our modern cities, we've forgotten to do that..."

Fang thought that made a lot of sense.

"Yesterday, I proposed setting up a full-fledged top-of-the-line hospital in the remote area to the trade department officials," Ren continued. "Since people are effectively stranded there for several months, I think it would be very useful to have one there itself."

"I bet they'll be extremely grateful to you... but won't you lose a lot of money?" Fang asked.

"Not really," Ren said. "For the closed off months, I'm not looking to make money anyway; I'd be happy if we can help the local people live better. For the spring and summer months, though, I was thinking we could advertise the hospital as a luxury recuperating centre for exhausted billionaires. We could have a few villas around the hospital - no more than a dozen or so, and these will blend in with the natural terrain. Zero ecological disturbance and peace and fresh air for the visitors. We'll employ mostly local people. Plus, it'll be a joint development project with the government, not entirely mine. Quite a win-win situation, isn't it?"

Fang was quite impressed with Ren's ideas and insight. "Can I help?" he asked.

Ren grinned at him. "That would be lovely," he said, patting the seat next to him.

Fang sat down obediently and awaited instructions.

Ren quickly showed him the relevant paperwork and they worked harmoniously for a couple of hours. Fang was inexperienced, but he was quick and smart, and had unusual ideas which made Ren quite amazed and pleased. He decided that he'd have Fang accompany him and get involved in Sirocco's work as soon as possible. Fang's business instincts were even sharper than Ren's and Ren found himself fantasizing about a life of leisure while Fang took care of all the work...

Fang nudged him, jolting Ren out of his pleasant day dreams.

"What on earth are you thinking about?" Fang asked curiously.

"You," Ren said bluntly. "Say, Fang, if I wanted to retire early and lead a life of leisure and cart off all of Sirocco's work to you... would you hate me?"

Fang frowned. "What brought this on?" he asked.

Ren shook his head ruefully. "Just feeling a bit tired...I thought it'd be nice if I could live lazily, without having to think too much or deal people or chase deadlines all the time..."

Fang stared at Ren for a long time. Then he reached out and caressed his face. "I'll try and help you share your burden as much as possible," he promised. "You're always the one looking after me... but I swear that in the future, I'll be a capable man and take care of you and everything you need. You won't even have to lift a finger if you don't want to!"

Ren's beautiful dream of leisure reared it's head again and his golden eyes filled with a haze. "I'll look forward to it, then," he said softly and rested his head on Fang's shoulder.

Fang put an arm around Ren's shoulders and pulled him close, suddenly feeling very protective of his boyfriend. Ren rarely showed his weak side to anyone, including Fang, and this unusual show of dependence brought out all the hidden tenderness in Fang's heart that even he didn't know he possessed.

Fang let Ren rest for a while until Ren's phone rang, reminding him of his meeting. The two young men got up and readied themselves to go out. Fang, who had initially wondered why Pax had warned him to always pack extra business suits for any trip with Ren, felt very grateful for the advice now and thanked his stars that he had decided to take Pax's advice! Ren didn't really have much practical sense when it came to everyday things... but Fang found it strangely endearing. Well, at this point, Fang would find anything and everything Ren said or did to be endearing, he thought to himself rather wryly. Perhaps this is why they always said that love is blind! It completely blinded one to the faults and shortcomings of their beloved person!

"This must be what they call true love," he muttered to himself under his breath.

Ren, who was still rather absent-minded, turned around to look at Fang. "Did you say something?" he asked innocently.

Fang chuckled and shook his head. He leaned in and kissed the tip of Ren's elegant nose, surprising the older man.

"Come on, then, Mr.. Great CEO Ren!" he said teasingly, taking Ren's hand and pulling him to the entrance of the villa, where a car was already waiting for them. "Let's go and get your grand new business deal done!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!