Published at 2nd of August 2023 06:04:14 AM

Chapter 26

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Translator’s Notes: Important changes to the previous chapter that I just edited. After some additional research, I figured it should be Tianxiu, not Tiansu. Yes, I messed up, again  The word has 2 different pronunciations, “su” being the most popular one. But there is also another pronunciation as “xiu”, which in this case is the translation for a cluster of stars in the sky. In Ancient China, they separated the sky into 28 different sections, and each section is known as a “xiu”. Another thing I changed is that instead of the nails on Xiao Fuxuan’s ear, they should be known as ear cuffs. Hopefully that gave you an “ah ha, so that’s what it is”. Sorry please forgive me for all the misunderstands I might have brought and please enjoy this chapter >…

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!