Published at 31st of January 2024 11:22:56 AM

Chapter 60

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Pillars of light pierced the horizon, casting eerie glows that evoked a shiver down my spine, a haunting reminder of a past I wished to forget. My heart raced, memories flooding back as Gazelle Lockwood's telepathic voice echoed, its familiarity chilling. Time wasn't supposed to fold this way; the Purge of Humanity loomed five years in the future, not now.

I felt the weight of altered timelines press on me, like ripples in a pond disrupted by a single stone's splash. The anticipated chaos of the bombing at Tasty Town, a precursor to the Purge, was out of sequence, leaving a void of uncertainty in its wake.

A sharp cry from an imperial general shattered my reverie. "Your majesty!" he exclaimed, urgency painting his features. "You need to see what is happening in the Command Room!"

Empress Serenity's eyes widened, betraying a rare vulnerability. Without hesitation, she nodded sharply, determination masking her surprise. Her swift stride led her back to the heart of the S.S. Liberty's command center. Madam Corasell's gaze lingered, a silent plea evident as she cast a meaningful glance at Hiraya and me, signaling us to follow.

Worry etched itself across Hiraya's face, her eyes meeting mine in silent communication. My reassuring nod was all she needed before we trailed behind the empress and Madam Corasell, our footsteps echoing softly as we approached the Command Center.

As we entered, a muted ambiance greeted us, punctuated by the soft hum of machinery. Rows of computer screens stretched before us, each manned by focused administrators. Dominating the room's center was an expansive jumbotron, casting a haunting glow that displayed the world's chaos. The screens flickered to life, revealing ominous pillars of crimson light scattered across the globe.

Silhouetted against these pillars were majestic yet terrifying figures: dragons. Their numbers were staggering, filling the screen with a relentless onslaught. Every flap of their wings seemed to herald destruction, as they descended upon unsuspecting cities below.

One particular screen transported us to Elysia, its pristine, snow-covered landscape now a war zone. Skyscrapers that once touched the heavens now bore witness to fire and ruin, as dragons, their scales glinting ominously, unleashed torrents of flame upon the once-beautiful cityscape.

The screen shifted, revealing the aquatic splendor of Sargus, now transformed into a scene of chaos. The once serene waters churned with panic as civilians darted between structures, their faces etched with terror. Towering above them were dragonoids, their forms a haunting blend of human and dragon. From their piercing crimson eyes to their ruthless attacks, every movement betrayed a primal rage, obliterating all in their path.

A swift transition took us to Fleija's opulent presidential palace, now a haunting silhouette against a backdrop of inferno. The once regal halls echoed with the shrieks of dragons and the haunting absence of life. Shadows flitted across the screen, revealing the monstrous silhouettes of dragons in flight. Amidst the devastation, lifeless forms lay scattered, and once-sturdy structures crumbled in smoky ruins.

"Elysia, Sargus, Fleija," Serenity's voice trembled, her usually composed demeanor shaken. "They're all besieged."

From the corner of my eye, I caught Madam Corasell's tense posture, her fingers deftly navigating a communicator. A sudden gasp escaped her lips before she managed to speak, her voice laced with disbelief. "Your majesty, an urgent communication from the Consort Emperor." She paused, her eyes widening in horror. "The Royal Palace... it's been ravaged by the Alientech Dragon."

A palpable silence descended upon the room, stifling even the faintest of whispers. Hiraya's usually confident stance faltered, mirroring the collective dread that gripped us all. Empress Serenity's regal composure shattered, her hand instinctively clutching her chest as if trying to shield herself from the onslaught of devastating news. "Cleru," her voice quivered, desperation evident in her eyes, "is my husband safe?"

Madam Corasell hesitated, her expression darkening with each passing second. "He's evaded harm, but Jasmine..." She trailed off, the unspoken implications hanging heavy in the air. "Jasmine has fallen into enemy hands."

As if guided by a grim premonition, the jumbotron's display shifted, revealing the decimated remnants of Guardian's Haven. The once-majestic floating island, home to the revered Dragon Knight Academy and the ethereal Cathedral Exa, was a shadow of its former glory. Yet, the most harrowing sight was the gaping void where the Royal Palace once stood. The devastation bore the unmistakable signature of the colossal Alientech Dragon, its imposing silhouette casting an ominous shadow over the ruins. And at its helm, to our horror, was Gazelle Lockwood, a figure once revered now transformed into a harbinger of destruction. Towering behind him, a malevolent crimson pillar pulsated, resonating with the overwhelming power of his Dragon Lord Commandment.

A hushed murmur rippled through the command center as one operator's voice broke the uneasy quiet. "They're morphing into full-fledged dragons."

A palpable tension threaded through the room, underscored by another operator's grim query, "Have they become humanity's adversaries?"

Eyes darted around the command center, a once-unified space now rife with suspicion. Every glance exchanged became laden with doubt, each individual sizing up their colleagues with newfound uncertainty. A chilling realization settled among us: nearly a third of those present bore the telltale signs of dragonoid lineage.

The atmosphere grew thick with a mix of apprehension and betrayal. I noticed several bodyguards discreetly adjusting pistols beneath their vests, their movements swift yet deliberate. Fingers brushed against holsters, ensuring swift access to concealed weapons. Across the room, an operator slid open a drawer, revealing a hidden revolver, its presence a stark testament to the escalating distrust permeating the room.

"Listen to reason! We stand with you, not against you!" A dragonoid general's voice cracked with urgency, desperation evident in his eyes as he pleaded for understanding.

"We're still in control!" An operator with dragonoid lineage interjected, his voice echoing with a mix of fear and determination. "Don't let fear cloud judgment. Hasty decisions now could cost us dearly!"

A stern human general stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he addressed the room. "If you transform, the scales tip beyond our favor. We must act decisively to ensure humanity's survival."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the command center, punctuated by a human operator's fervent nod. "He's right. This isn't about distrust; it's about safeguarding our species. Every second counts."

A palpable tension hung in the air, thickening with each passing moment. Kate, Charlotte, and Gaeun exchanged anxious glances, their shared confusion and apprehension evident. Despite Hiraya's attempt at a reassuring smile, the weight of uncertainty pressed upon them, visible in their furrowed brows.

Drawing a deep breath, Hiraya's gaze settled on her palm, where the Mark of Vesryn gleamed ominously. The weight of her responsibility was undeniable, and with a determined clench of her fist, she steeled herself for what came next.

"Do not yield to fear!" Hiraya's voice resonated through the command center, her words cutting through the maelstrom of doubt. Drawing herself up with regal poise, she pressed a hand to her chest, locking eyes with each individual present. "I am Hiraya Misteltein, Oracle of the sacred isle of Yggdra. My magic shields this vessel, rendering its dragonoids impervious to the crimson pillars' malevolent sway. Believe in this truth, for as long as I draw breath, they stand as allies."

Madam Corasell, sensing the weight of the moment, stepped forward, her presence a testament to her resolve. "The Oracle speaks the truth. Tasked by the Elder Elf, Hiraya safeguards these dragonoids from the nefarious influence you fear. Rest assured, camaraderie, not discord, binds us on this ship."

Empress Serenity's voice, though soft, carried an authority that commanded attention. Stepping into the spotlight, she cast a reassuring gaze across the room. "You've heard our esteemed General. While our lands may be compromised, with Hiraya's guidance, we stand united against Gazelle Lockwood's dark intentions."

Whispers swirled like a brewing storm within the command center. Faces etched with a mosaic of doubt and belief reflected the room's divided sentiment. Some eyes held lingering skepticism, while others bore the glimmer of tentative trust, a fragile beacon amidst chaos.

As the murmurs ebbed, Hiraya's facade wavered, a veil lifting to reveal the strain beneath. With a deep exhalation, she retreated, her outward calm a stark contrast to the tumultuous uncertainty within. Though her posture exuded assurance, a subtle tremor in her hands betrayed the lingering apprehension that shadowed her every step.

A sharp inhale, and Hiraya clutched the Mark of Vesryn, its weight a constant reminder of her daunting mission. Without a backward glance, driven by a mix of fear and determination, she swiftly departed, her hurried exit colliding with Kate's path, leaving only a fleeting echo of her presence.

"Hiraya?" Kate's voice wavered, her eyes darting in search of answers amidst the whirlwind of events. Then she locked eyes with me, a silent understanding passing between us.

With a determined nod, I pivoted, hastening after Hiraya, each step echoing the urgency of the moment.

The maze of corridors seemed endless until they culminated in a dimly lit dead end. There, Hiraya stood, bathed in the soft glow of overhead lights, her back pressed against the cold metallic wall of the ship. I watched as her fingers delicately traced the Mark of Vesryn, the weight of her responsibility evident in her trembling touch.

As she pivoted to face me, her golden eyes shimmered with a blend of relief and vulnerability, betraying the inner turmoil she'd tried so hard to mask. "Lysander..." Her voice wavered, choked by emotion, tears threatening to spill.

Gently, I closed the distance between us, my gaze unwavering as I met her eyes. "That impassioned plea in the command center—it wasn't mere words, was it? You've been harnessing your Dragon Lord Commandment's power, neutralizing the threat of those crimson pillars. Protecting us."

A fleeting, bittersweet smile tugged at Hiraya's lips, a blend of admiration and sorrow dancing in her eyes. "You've always had an uncanny ability to see through facades," she conceded, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "Perhaps our connection through the Vesryn Pulse, is stronger than either of us realized."

Drawing nearer to Hiraya, I felt the weight of our shared history, our intertwined destinies, pressing upon me. With a sense of reverence, I lowered myself into a gentle bow, my eyes never leaving hers. "Forgive me," I whispered, offering a soft, reassuring smile. "I couldn't shield you from this fate, from bearing the mantle of a Dragon Lord."

Hiraya's fingers lightly touched her chest, her eyes shimmering with a blend of determination and warmth. "Lysander, you misunderstand," she countered gently. "The Mark of Vesryn, this power—it's not a curse. It's been my salvation, granting me the strength to safeguard those I cherish, to stand by your side once more. If given the choice, I'd embrace this destiny time and again."

A genuine smile graced my lips, warmth flooding my heart at her unwavering conviction. "Hiraya..."

But before I could articulate my thoughts further, her gaze intensified, probing deep into the recesses of my soul. "And you, Lysander? Amidst the choices and sacrifices, do you harbor regrets? Do you rue the day you saved me, or perhaps, the moment you spared me from a fate worse than death?"

The weight of past regrets once loomed heavy in my heart, a shadow cast by a timeline marred by loss and despair. But now, bound by an unbreakable bond, forged in trials and tempered by shared sacrifices, those regrets faded into insignificance. Hiraya had become my anchor, my salvation in a world teetering on the brink.

"No," my voice was steady, infused with conviction. Placing a hand over my heart, I locked eyes with Hiraya, each gaze a mirror reflecting our intertwined souls. "You've become an indelible part of me. This heart, pulsating with life and hope, beats for you. In the face of loss—my home, kin, companions, and even hope—you've filled the void, becoming my sanctuary."

As I extended my hand, a silent invitation hung between us. With a blush gracing her cheeks, Hiraya reached out, her fingers intertwining with mine in a perfect union. My fingertips traced the Mark of Vesryn etched on her skin, a symbol of our shared destiny.

Dropping to one knee, I bowed, the gravity of my vow echoing in the hallowed space between us. “Whatever future we may draw together, I promise that I will protect you forever.”

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