Published at 31st of January 2024 11:22:55 AM

Chapter 61

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The cold air catches in my throat, each breath a visible puff escaping into the frosty morning. A searing sensation radiates from my chest, each beat of my heart a reminder of the wound's persistence.

The hills stretch out before me, their once lush green now marred by deep crimson. The ground beneath my feet feels sticky, as if the earth itself weeps for the fallen. Among the tall grasses lie warriors, their life's purpose now silenced in this brutal conflict with the dragonoids at the Sargusian Border. The persistent hum of flies and the overpowering stench of decay assault my senses, making it nearly impossible to draw a clean breath.

Silence engulfs me, broken only by the occasional rustle of wind through the grass. Not a single living creature remains, not even the opportunistic crows that typically feast on the remnants of battle.

Confusion clouds my thoughts. The last thing I recall is the sharp sting of a dragonoid's talon piercing my heart. I'd braced for the end, but instead of peace, I find myself ensnared in this nightmarish realm.

Visions flood back, vivid and unsettling. I'm sprawled on the blood-soaked ground, my heart shredded, life seeping away. Above me looms the formidable Daybreaker's Dragonoid, its gaze piercing. Then the ethereal figure of the elven Oracle, Hiraya Misteltein, appears, her face etched with concern. I can feel the cold touch of an alien heart pressed against my chest, her desperate attempt to save me.

Frantic, I tear at my torn garments, seeking proof. To my disbelief, my skin remains unblemished, devoid of any wound. Could it be that Hiraya's intervention, and the menacing battle, were mere figments of a tormented dream?

A rush of relief washes over me. "It was all just a nightmare," I whisper, a shaky smile betraying my lingering fear.

The distant sound of beating wings grows louder, sending a shiver down my spine. Turning swiftly, my eyes lock onto five dragonoids, their forms partially shifted, ominous in their partial transformation. The fiery gleam in their eyes speaks of a deadly purpose. Without hesitation, I grasp a shattered sword, its edges jagged and unreliable, positioning it as my only line of defense against their advancing menace.

Fear grips me; I am but a shattered skysoldier, battered and broken. Every limb screams in protest, my spirit waning, my weapon a mere shadow of its former self. The odds stack mercilessly against me.

"H-Hold back!" My voice wavers, a feeble attempt to ward them off.

In a synchronized display of power, the dragonoids conjure spheres of searing flames, their intent clear. With a desperate cry, I raise my right arm, bracing for the inferno, hoping against hope to withstand their onslaught.

Without warning, a transformation sweeps over my right arm, morphing it into a draconic appendage adorned with obsidian scales and razor-sharp claws reminiscent of a dragon's talons. Reacting purely on instinct, a potent spell erupts from deep within me.

"Baryon Blaze!"

A cataclysmic force surges forth from my transformed limb, obliterating not only the incoming fireballs but also incinerating the five dragonoids in a blinding display of power. The sheer force carves out a massive chasm, its depths a testament to the devastating spell I'd unleashed. A mushroom cloud billows upward, and a shockwave radiates outwards, laying waste to everything in its wake.

As quickly as it came, my draconic arm reverts to its human form, leaving me staring in disbelief. Though I yearn to examine this newfound power, the mystery remains elusive, as does the source of the Erudite-level spell I'd invoked.

Exhaustion washes over me like a tidal wave, my mana reserves depleted. Collapsing to the ground, each labored breath serves as a stark reminder of the immense power I'd just wielded.

In the recesses of my mind, memories unfurl like ancient scrolls. With the Heart of Exceria pulsing within me, I recognize those visions of Hiraya and the powerful moments we shared before my ascent to Erudite status. The draconic arm, the surge of nuclear magic—it wasn't mere fantasy but fragments of a past life, all bestowed upon me by the heart she so selflessly implanted.

The sharp pangs in my chest, the unexpected emergence of my dragonic abilities during our skirmish with the Arctic Dragon Knight, and the intimate memories of Hiraya—they defy logic, forming a paradoxical tapestry. How could I have memories of events that transpired before receiving the Heart of Exceria? The enigmatic Vesryn Pulse appears to defy the very constraints of time and fate.

"Hey, Lysander! Wake up!"

A sudden jolt snaps me back to reality, a stinging sensation rapping against my head repeatedly. Blinking away the haze, I realize Hiraya's method: a rolled paper acting as her gentle but insistent alarm. Though it doesn't hurt, her persistent taps serve their purpose, pulling me from my introspective trance.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, the stinging sensation from Hiraya's rolled newspaper barrage interrupting my thoughts.

"You were daydreaming again, aren't you? Stop being a citizen in your own fantasy world and help us out!" Hiraya scolded, her rolled newspaper continuing its rhythmic assault on my head.

"Alright, alright. Stop hitting me," I conceded.

As the paper smacking subsided, I took stock of my surroundings. We were in a compact conference room, and my squad had assembled in full force. Gaeun, absorbed in her pad paper, was sketching uniform designs with Charlotte's assistance. Kate, on the other hand, diligently filled his yellow pad paper with a flurry of words. The room buzzed with collaborative energy as we geared up for whatever lay ahead.

Meanwhile, our handler, Madam Marieflorine Corasell, was deeply engrossed in a sea of reports sprawled across her desk, a daunting task that seemed to consume her. 

I carefully documented every detail of the Purge of Humanity, presenting my findings to Madam Corasell, our handler. The report delved into the origins of the enigmatic crimson pillars of light, tracing them back to the towering structures known as the Cathedral Exa bell towers. In vivid prose, I unveiled the mystery, revealing that only a Dragon Lord possessed the exclusive authority to harness the bell towers as the commanding beacon for their formidable Dragon Lord Commandment. The words on the page echoed with the weight of the unfolding saga, leaving the reader to witness the intricate web of power and intrigue surrounding the events.

"Geez," Hiraya teased, her cheeks tinted with a blush as she crossed her arms, drawing attention to her ample assets. "I don't mind you daydreaming every now and then, as long as you're fantasizing about doing perverted things to me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I exclaimed, my face turning crimson. Clearing my throat, I attempted to regain composure. "Ahem! Let's just get back on track, shall we? Wait, what were we talking about again?" I scratched my head in confusion.

"We're thinking about renaming our squad," Kate interjected, presenting her pad paper adorned with a multitude of group names. "Hiraya said that we're discarding the name Lysander's Harem. We have to think of something else."

"Huh, that's peculiar," I mused, my head cocked in bewilderment. "I agree that changing the name makes sense, especially given the embarrassment of having my name tied to it. But Hiraya, what's prompted this change of heart?"

"Well, 'Lysander's Harem' hardly exudes professionalism," Hiraya replied, a hint of red gracing her cheeks as she scratched them.

"Obviously. You christened it just to tease me for kicks and giggles," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Hehe," Hiraya chuckled, her laughter a mix of genuine amusement and playful mockery. "Sorry, not sorry."

Interrupting our banter, Madam Corasell finally asserted herself. "Enough distractions. Under my guidance, with Hiraya as your field captain, you are now part of the Chevalier Unit, the Empire of Alterra's elite force. We require a squad name befitting of such distinction—one that won't elicit laughter from the Empress."

A palpable tension hung in the air, each member of the group grappling with the weight of the decision. Despite hours of brainstorming, a unanimous consensus remained elusive. It was astonishing how naming a squad proved more challenging than infiltrating a Neo Arcadian stronghold.

An idea flickered in my mind, though voicing it felt like tempting fate. The mere thought carried a weight, hinting at potential ramifications echoing from a past timeline I'd rather not revisit.

Drawn to Hiraya's captivating golden eyes, I hesitated, wrestling with my thoughts. Sensing my prolonged gaze, she interjected with a playful jest, "Hm? Don't stare too intently, or you might just impregnate me."

The absurdity of her comment momentarily lightened the atmosphere. Although uncertain about the intricacies of elven reproduction, I was fairly certain that a mere gaze wouldn't result in such an outcome. Yet, the time had come to voice my suggestion, to break the deadlock and pave the way for the future.

"How about... the Daybreaker Squad?"

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