Published at 13th of February 2024 07:16:59 AM

Chapter 68

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In a landscape once vibrant with life, now lay smoldering ruins and echoing cries. The disappearance of Johnny left a void that seemed to beckon chaos. Waves of the human army surged forward, their flamethrowers spewing fire that consumed our ancestral homes. The acrid scent of mustard gas filled the air, silencing the once lively chatter of civilian dragonoids who now lay motionless.

Amidst the haze and destruction, Captain Kevin Pirius stood tall, his eyes ablaze with determination. With each precise pull of his weathered rifle's trigger, another human soldier was cast into the abyss.

A rallying cry pierced through the smoke, emanating from a commander whose face bore the weight of responsibility. "Hold fast! Protect the heart of our civilization—the metro!" His voice echoed with a mix of desperation and resolve.

The pained wail of a dragonoid soldier in Partial Dragon Form cut through the tumultuous din, his scales shimmering with a sheen of sweat and ash. "We're faltering! Our ranks are dwindling—only thirty percent remain combat-ready!"

The commander's gaze hardened, his voice a sharp blade against the cacophony of battle. "We stand as the final bastion of hope. Should we falter, our kin, our very essence, will be snuffed out. Prepare yourselves—for them, for us, for survival."

The air crackled with anticipation as three dragonoids channeled the pulsating energy of the crimson light, their forms morphing into formidable dragons that towered over the battlefield. Yet, as their transformation completed, a volley of explosive fireballs, conjured by human mages, met their mark, snuffing out the lives of these majestic creatures in a blinding inferno.

A guttural cry of anguish tore from Captain Kevin's throat, his eyes widening in horror as the once-sturdy underground entrance began to crumble under a rain of debris. "Retreat! Fall back and arm the civilians!" His voice, laced with urgency, echoed against the backdrop of chaos.

The decision weighed heavily on my heart, the realization sinking in as dragonoid soldiers around me moved with disciplined haste. Beneath the metro's protective embrace, many sought refuge, yet the faces of the vulnerable remained etched in my mind. And Johnny—his valiant spirit fighting amidst the perilous landscape—needed us.

A surge of determination coursed through me, my hand clutching the frayed edge of my skirt as if seeking solace. Ignoring Captain Kevin's thunderous command to retreat, I felt a reckless resolve take hold. "Johnny!" The name escaped my lips, a fervent plea and a vow intertwined.

Eyes wide with disbelief, Captain Kevin's voice boomed, cutting through the din of battle. "Meike! What madness possesses you? We must fall back!"

Tears and determination mingled as I shouted, my voice echoing with raw emotion. "I can't leave Johnny! Not out there!"

Without warning, a fiery orb descended perilously close to my heels, erupting into a deafening explosion that sent me hurtling towards the highway. A startled cry escaped my lips as I landed harshly on the unforgiving ground, my body adorned with a tapestry of scratches and bruises. Blood trickled from a wound on my forehead, a testament to the brutal impact. Gritting my teeth, I invoked a healing touch spell, mending the gash on my forehead before resuming my desperate dash.

"Stop right there!" A stern voice commanded, punctuated by the menacing click of rifles being aimed in my direction. Fifteen soldiers formed an unyielding blockade, their weapons poised to unleash chaos upon me. Undeterred, I pressed on, my determination refusing to be swayed by the encroaching threat. Johnny's safety was the beacon guiding my every step.

With unyielding will, I channeled mana into the soles of my feet, unleashing the only speed spell at my disposal. A crimson-hued wind trailed in my wake as I kicked off the ground, hurtling towards the line of adversaries with relentless velocity.

"Wind Accel!" I announced, the incantation fueling my sprint. An orange streak marked my passage as I weaved through the soldiers, a blur that eluded their futile attempts to stop me. Astonished cries followed in my wake as I surged forward, my singular focus cutting through the chaos of bullets and bewildered soldiers.

With the last remnants of my mana depleted, I ceased the Wind Accel spell, panting as I navigated the labyrinthine alleyways. My instincts guided me towards the southern part of the town, where the breach in the wall had occurred. As I emerged from the shadows, a grim scene unfolded before my eyes in the flat field—a battleground strewn with debris from obliterated homes.

Forty human soldiers stood as a menacing phalanx, twenty dragonoid children held captive, their tearful pleas echoing in the air. The heart-wrenching cries revealed the agony of children yearning for their parents amidst the chaos.

However, the focal point of this twisted tableau lay at the center—a sinister old woman, her foot pressing down on Johnny's nape, rendering him helpless. Shock coursed through me, threatening to betray my presence. Instinctively, I covered my mouth, realizing the gravity of my rash actions. Without a plan, the stakes were too high, and innocent lives hung in the balance.

Silent as a feather, I retreated into the shadows of the dark alley, my mind racing to formulate a strategy. The urgency of the situation pressed upon me, but I understood the need for caution. Acting recklessly could only amplify the suffering of those caught in the crossfire.

Nestled within the confines of a grimy dumpster, I clutched my mouth, attempting to muffle the frantic rhythm of my heart. Panic surged within me, clouding my thoughts, as I grappled with the overwhelming odds stacked against me. A non-combatant amidst a sea of armed adversaries, my chances of rescue seemed bleak, the haunting visage of the old woman sending shivers down my spine.

Escape beckoned as a tantalizing option, yet the memory of my mother's dying words pierced through my hesitation. Flashbacks of our harrowing flight from Goldcliff City's menacing loan sharks flooded my mind, juxtaposed with the haunting image of my bedridden mother, her feeble grip a testament to her resilience.

"I'm sorry, Meike," her frail voice echoed, laden with regret. "I've been a coward, unable to confront our adversities."

My admiration for her courage never waned, yet her words fueled a burning desire within me—a yearning to transcend her legacy of fear and evasion. The specter of my past, marked by perpetual flight, collided with an unwavering resolve to protect those I cherished. No longer could I stand idly by, ensnared by the shackles of fear. I yearned to be a beacon of hope, a shield against the darkness that threatened to engulf us all.

"Johnny," I murmured, clutching my chest as a surge of emotions washed over me, each syllable resonating like a thunderous drumbeat in my ears.

Despite the seemingly insurmountable odds, an unwavering conviction pulsed within me, drowning out the whispers of doubt that sought to cloud my judgment. With a sense of purpose igniting my every step, I reached into my pouch, retrieving a mana potion that promised a fleeting surge of power.

In one decisive gulp, I drained the potion, feeling the revitalizing energy coursing through my veins, replenishing my dwindling reservoir of mana. Emboldened, I emerged from the shadows, confronting the formidable assembly of imperial soldiers.

"Johnny!" My voice echoed with a fervor that pierced the cacophony of chaos, drawing the attention of every soldier, including the malevolent old witch who held Johnny captive.

"M-Meike?!" Johnny's voice trembled with disbelief, his eyes widening in a mixture of concern and astonishment. "You need to flee—now!"

Yet, despite the perilous predicament unfolding before me, retreat was no longer an option. My resolve solidified, rooted in a determination to defy the shadows of my past and stand as a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

The moment our eyes locked, an indescribable connection surged between us, transcending the chaos enveloping the battlefield. It was as though time stood still, allowing me to perceive the subtle cadence of Johnny's heartbeat echoing in harmony with my own. This connection felt profound, not dictated by fate's capricious whims but forged through the choices we embraced.

However, the menacing array of rifles aimed in my direction shattered the fleeting tranquility, signaling the impending storm of danger. The lieutenant's decisive command reverberated through the tense air, "Fire!"

In that heart-stopping moment, time itself seemed to warp and bend, each bullet hurtling toward me moving as if through treacle. My heightened perception transformed the lethal projectiles into languid streaks, their deadly trajectory no match for the accelerating rhythm of my heart.

Casting a fleeting glance toward Johnny, I witnessed a radiant golden light emanating from his chest, mirroring the luminous glow resonating within me. This ethereal illumination bore a striking resemblance to the crimson light dragonoids harnessed to transform into dragons, yet this radiant force felt infinitely more potent, pulsating with unparalleled intensity.

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!" Johnny's voice echoed with a resolute clarity, heralding the unleashing of a power that promised to tip the scales in our favor, challenging the oppressive darkness with a beacon of radiant hope.

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