Yuan's Ascension - Chapter 50

Published at 7th of February 2024 05:55:54 AM

Chapter 50: The Black Pagoda In The Upper Dantian Lobe

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Chapter 50: The Black Pagoda In The Upper Dantian Lobe

The massive doors of the martial hall swung open with a resonating clang, revealing a world shrouded in hazy darkness, save for a remote glimmer of faint light.

It was already deep into the night.

"Young Master, what's the matter?" Gu Ji, who had been meditating in a nearby pavilion, opened his eyes.

"Gu Ji, how much time has elapsed since I entered?" Wu Yuan asked.

"One hour," replied Gu Ji.

"Mm, Wu Yuan gave a slight nod as he pivoted, shutting the heavy doors of the martial hall once again.

"Young Master?" A hint of confusion flashed through Gu Ji's usually serene eyes.

Generally speaking, martial artists who had reached the level of martial virtuoso had a clear awareness of the passage of time.

However, Gu Ji did not linger on the matter. As long as Wu Yuan remained unharmed, nothing else concerned him.


Inside the unlit martial hall.

I feel like I've slept for a long time, yet only one hour has passed? Wu Yuan sat cross-legged in a lotus position.

This was not what he had anticipated. He had estimated that at least four to six hours had gone by.

Gao Yu said I should only take two Soul Condensing Pills at a time, and wait at least a month between each dosage. Wu Yuan twirled the jade vial in his hand.

Under ordinary circumstances, Wu Yuan would not consume any more pills. But Wu Yuan also remembered Gao Yu informing him that after taking the Soul Condensing Pill, he would need to meditate for several days to recuperate.

At present, I sense an astonishing fortitude within my mind and soul, and I experience no abnormal sensations. Only one hour has passed, and yet it appears that I have fully assimilated the two Soul Condensing Pills, which differs from what Gao Yu told me.

Did Gao Yu misinform him? He shouldn't have, his knowledge was derived from the accumulated experiences of the Cloudstride Sect.

But Wu Yuan's situation was clearly at odds with these experiences.

Each human has a unique physique. Perhaps most martial artists struggle to digest this Soul Condensing Pill, yet I am compatible with it?"

If it were an ordinary natural treasure, Wu Yuan would approach it with caution. For instance, he demonstrated patience when consuming the spiritual liquid.

But the Soul Condensing Pill was a different matter entirely. Its magical potency brought Wu Yuan hope of unlocking his upper dantian lobe in one go. If he followed Gao Yu's advice, it would take two or three months to fully digest them all! Wu Yuan could not wait that long.

The benefits of unlocking my upper dantian lobe several months in advance are self-evident. During one's golden years of physical growth, every day was precious! Let's try it!

Only after some time, did Wu Yuan fully awaken from his muddled state, beginning to recall what just happened.

That strange, crimson energy... did it flow out from my upper dantian lobe? Wu Yuan was filled with bewilderment and shock.

Wu Yuan did not have much knowledge about the upper dantian lobe. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but sense that although his physical strength hadn't witnessed any noticeable growth, his vitality seemed to have experienced an enhancement of sorts!

Wu Yuan decided against hastily ingesting another Soul Condensing Pill. Instead, he opted to perform Internal Vision, meticulously examining every nook and cranny of his musculoskeletal system. Thanks to his considerably fortified soul, his Internal Vision had attained a remarkable level of clarity. He could now delve into more minute details.

Hm? Those minor internal injuries that were previously difficult to repair... have they all vanished without a trace? As Wu Yuan continued to explore the depths of his body, he swiftly became aware of further transformations. It appears that it's not just these minor injuries that have been remedied.

Before, I distinctly perceived that my musculoskeletal system had reached its utmost limit. I believed I needed to nurture it for a significant period and reinforce my foundation before I could continue practicing the Tiger Leopard Bone Training Technique to temper my body.

But now, I feel that there's still room for improvement, and it seems like it will not damage my potential?

Coming to this realization, he was somewhat dazed. How was this possible?

Despite his skepticism, Wu Yuan had a vague inkling of understanding. Just now, the mysterious power that surged from the upper dantian lobe seemed to have transformed his body at the most fundamental level, augmenting his body's potential!

The improvements weren't too obvious, but the implications were profound.

Could this be... progress towards attaining the perfect physique?

Obtaining the most perfect physique entailed nurturing the body from infancy, meticulously constructing each facet of its composition to absolute perfection, gradually advancing towards the pinnacle of bodily perfection. But this had only ever existed in theory.

Thinking about the mysterious energy just now, Wu Yuan saw a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, he could make it a reality! However, the prerequisite was that there was enough of this crimson energy.

Let's try again. Wu Yuan chose to take the ninth Soul Condensing Pill. This time, it was easier for him to resist his fatigue. His consciousness was also clearer.

To his astonishment, the mysterious crimson energy that had previously surged from the upper dantian lobe did not manifest this time. "

Has it been fully depleted? Wu Yuan experienced a pang of loss.

My soul? Wu Yuan also noticed that after taking the Soul Condensing Pill this time, his soul didn't improve as much as before, as if it was about to reach its limit.

Upper dantian lobe. Wu Yuan concentrated on his brain, exerting every ounce of his being in an attempt to perceive its elusive presence. He strained to sense it with unparalleled intensity!

After a prolonged period, a peculiar explosion erupted within Wu Yuan's mind, as if rupturing the shackles of biological constraints. Involuntary waves of elation surged through his heart.

Immediately, Wu Yuan's soul detected a mysterious place! It appeared indefinite, an expanse without boundaries. There is no distinction between up and down. There is no difference between left and right.

Within this vastness, right at its center, a magnificent and primitive obsidian pagoda hung suspended in mid-air, emitting an ancient and majestic aura. Wisps of ethereal, blood-red mist coiled around the black pagoda, shrouding it in an enigmatic embrace.

This black pagoda...this is it! Wu Yuan, sensing the grand black pagoda, was utterly astounded.

Witnessing its familiar appearance, a bolt of lightning seemed to strike his mind, instantly spawning numerous conjectures.

Could this be the reason for my transmigration into the Middle Land?

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