Published at 16th of May 2022 05:04:23 AM

Chapter 100: One Hundred: Take My Hand, Take A Step 2

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Chapter one hundred: Take my hand, take a step 2

Alexander didn't understand where her feelings were coming from. He knew she didn't get along with his wife but he didn't know the hatred ran too deep. He moved faster and stopped her.

"What is going on with you, Rosemund?" He asked holding her shoulder and looking at her with worried eyes.

"You are King, just do your job is all I am asking!" Rosemund tried to move away but Alexander stopped her.

"Tell me the truth, what is going on, Rose?"

Rosemund could feel her eyes tear up a little bit as she figured out how to put her emotions into words.

"She doesn't love you, Alexander. And I worry that when she leaves and she will. She will take the rest of the goodness left in you with her and I will be left with a monster and a put you back together. Mostly, I think I won't be able to. Then I would have failed at the only job I was given. Keeping you good and human, so, let her go already!"

Rosemund started walking away again but Alexander stood still for just another minute before he followed behind.

"Rose! Rosemund!" Alexander yelled in a voice that made her stop. People around were beginning to stop and stare. He was causing a scene.

"You are causing a scene, your highness"

"Only because my little sister wouldn't stand still long enough to hear me talk" 

Rosemund took a deep breath and rest a little bit.

"I apologize, my king"

"Rose, I am not going to fall apart if Janessa ever leaves and I will never put you in the position to glue me back together, even though I don't know what that means"

Rosemund seemed pacified for now. She even lowered her guard.

"Alexander, I am seventeen. I can't be King, crown princess and queen all at the same time. Focus, okay?" 

"Okay, I won't neglect my duties again but you have to get to know Janessa before forming opinions about her" Alexander suggested.

"Why, she doesn't want to know me!"

"Rosemund, she has saved my life more times that I am comfortable with. At the river, we weren't doing anything. I was blind for almost an hour and she made it look like we were....she protected me. She protected this kingdom despite the ruins it caused her image"

Rosemund looked away. If it was truth, then maybe she has been too hard on Jamie. But she was only looking out for her brother.

"Okay. I will have tea with her, happy?"

Alexander smiled and kissed her hair.

"I love you too but we have to get to the council, race me?" Rosemund offered.

"Hell no! I am King. I don't race" 

Alexander took off in a run before he even finished his statement.

"Cheat!" Rosemund was right behind him but that was where she remained... behind. Alexander was a great runner. 

They made it to the council half the time. It was the twelfth rule he had broke that day.

Alexander pushed the door of the court open and walked inside. He stood before the nine kings and one Queen.

"What says your verdict, council?" He wanted to know.

"The council took into consideration everything, King Alexander. The Queen of Aradale was in the forest with no symbol of your house or protection. She was seen with wolves and she attacked them first..." King Alphonsus was interrupted by Alexander. 

"Get to the point, your highness!" Alexander hated going round the bush. He had no patience whatsoever.

"Eight voted guilty and two, not guilty" Queen Eileen spoke to him from her throne "The knights will be punished but...not by execution. I am sorry"

Alexander was disappointed. But he kept a straight face.

"What will the punishment be?" Rosemund asked them.

"That is for King Alexander to decide? The council will abide by any punishment apart from death. This council is adjourned" King Alphonsus declared.

"We accept the verdict, right your highness?" Rosemund asked her brother.

"Right" Alexander said with a fake smile on his face. "Let the Winter hunt begin!"

The whole courtroom was overjoyed. This business of court wasn't why they came to the West. They came for the entertainment and merriment. 

Queen Eileen smile didn't quite reach her eyes. She approached the King of the West.

"That smile is almost believable, your highness but you and I know you want their heads" Eileen spoke with elegance.

When Rosemund saw that Alexander was in no hurry to refute the accusation, she quickly added.

"My brother has no idea what you are talking about. We accepted the council's verdict, remember? And we will abide by it, Queen Eileen" 

Eileen smiled again before she answered.

"You are the sibling everyone wants, crown princess Rosemund"

Alexander stared at the queen. Their kingdoms were allies and he had spared her life.

"We accept the council's verdict, your majesty" Alexander repeated after his sister.

"Well, I think the verdict is absolutely stupid but never mind. We need to come up with the most sinking and nerve wrecking punishment for those idiots, don't you think?" Eileen surprised them by saying.

Rosemund looked at Eileen and then to her brother.

"I like her!" Rosemund declared for everyone to hear. "Come on, Queen Eileen let's walk and plot"

As Eileen and Rosemund walked through the hallway, they took the part of the arena to watch the knights' practice. Judd was instructing about fifty knights including Fredrick.

Eileen was suddenly curious about what happened earlier.

"What is the deal between Sir Luther Judd and Sir Fredrick?" Eileen asked Rosemund.

"They are cousins and they hate each other. Everyone knows this" Rosemund answered.

"What is the story? Why?" Eileen stood by the stone railing and watched Judd as she spoke.

"Not everyone knows this...but Fredrick was found in a compromising position with Judd's betrothed, a young pretty girl called Eve. It broke Judd but not as much as when his cousin refused to do right by the poor girl" Rosemund narrated.

"Poor girl. What happened to Eve?" Eileen inquired.

"She was found floating on the river the next day. The poor girl drowned herself"

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