Published at 16th of May 2022 05:04:09 AM

Chapter 110: Hundred And Ten: The Seer

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Chapter hundred and ten: The seer

Jamie stepped down from the carriage and walked inside Lady Lucinda May's home. She expected to see her but she wasn't there. 

Jamie saw a familiar face beam up with smiles like they were old friends seeing each other for the first time after some time apart.

Semeen moved fast but graciously towards the Queen. She was relieved that the king was able to get her to meet the Seer.

"Your majesty, you look stunning. Welcome to Trinity" 

After the explanation that Alexander gave her about Semeen not being a mistress but a close friend and confidant, her dismay of the young girl has decreased considerably.

"Thank you, Semeen. So, you helped my husband rescue some slaves from the south?" Jamie asked the young girl who suddenly became nervous.

"Yes, your majesty...I know I should have told you about it but I couldn't. My loyalty is to you but mostly to the king. He saved my life. I understand if you are displeased with me" Semeen waited patiently for a rebuke but none came.

"I think you are brave, Semeen" Jamie didn't add that she was a little bit jealous, Semeen was doing what she set out to do and to be. Semeen was a warrior and could hold her own in a fight if Alexander was letting her come with him.

Semeen's heart leaped. It was the nicest thing the Queen had ever said to her.

"Thank you, your majesty. Your approval means a lot to me"

"If you are so grateful, then you wouldn't object to a training section with me. Can you fight?" Jamie surprised her by asking.

Semeen smiled "I believe I can but we shouldn't. The last thing I want is to maim the Queen of the west" Semeen answered knowing fully well it would push the Queen to want to fight more.

"I guess, there is only one way to find out. Is there a place...a secluded place we can perhaps practice?"

Semeen knew she shouldn't but she wanted to be in the Queen's good grace, she was willing to risk the wrath of the king.

"Yes. But in that dress it's almost impossible to fight" 

"Are you too afraid to fight a girl in a dress, Semeen?"

Semeen pointed towards the back, into the forest and Jamie went with her. They walked for a while before they came across a clear area devoid of shrubs or dry stick. The area looked man made and by the big oak tree were Fighting sticks.

"Do you come here a lot?" Jamie was enchanted. She picked up a light fighting stick to try out the weight. Ursla told her that a good trick to fighting with stick was to choose a light yet flexible stick. She shouldn't go with a heavy one since she was smaller in size especially if she had to fight a man.

Jamie let out a breath. She missed Ursla too much. For a moment she wondered what Ursla was doing. Was she looking for her or given up hope?

Semeen picked up a stick also. It wasn't the type Jamie would have picked but it was her choice.

"Not long...I discovered it a few days ago. I think it belongs to the councilor. Do you want me to go easy on you?" Semeen asked her.

"It wouldn't be a fair fight, would it? I don't plan to go easy on you"

Jamie felt the fighting stick and then her eyes diverted to Semeen. 

"Ready?" The Queen asked her.

Semeen came at her with the stick but not with force full and she regretted it almost immediately as Jamie used the fighting stick to hit her abdomen and then her legs. Semeen only realized that when she was already on the ground. Jamie offered her, her hands to pull her up.

"I told you not to go easy on me, Semeen" Semeen took the hand and she was pulled up. Maybe the human Luna was capable of handling herself in a fight.

"Ready!" Jamie asked again.

"Ready" This time around Semeen didn't hold back.

She attacked with such viciousness that Jamie could only play defense for a while. And she agreed with Semeen, the blue dress was too constricting to fight fairly. Jamie wished she had a blade with her to rip the dress.

Then she felt the fighting stick hit her cheek and Semeen frozen like a pond in snow season and her eyes were filled with horror.

Jamie ran her tongue on the split cheek. It wasn't bad. Ursla broken her little finger once during a fight.

She spit out the blood in her mouth on the ground.

Semeen dropped the fighting stick, she thought the Queen would deflected it like usual. As soon as the Queen spat out blood, Semeen instinctively worried and spoke through her mind link. (I hope the Luna is alright. I shouldn't have obliged and King Alexander would have my head)

"Oh don't worry, it's just a split cheek. And what's a Luna. Alexander called me that once" Jamie turned to the girl who seemed terrified.

"You can hear me?" Semeen looked like she was seeing a ghost.

"Of course I can hear you, I have ears" Jamie turned away to spit out again.

(Oh God, this can't be happening) Semeen said in her head too.

"Calm yourself, Semeen. It happened already get over it"

Semeen's hand flew to cover her mouth. Bollocks! The human Luna can hear her thoughts. How was that possible?


It took Alexander about twenty minutes to realize that his wife was missing.

He hurried outside to talk with Rosemund.

"Where is Janessa?"

"I don't know. She went ahead of us remember?"

Alexander was about order for a search when one of the werewolves gave him the answers he was looking for.

"The Queen went that way with Alpha Semeen"

Taking care to lose his shadow knight, Alexander went in search of his bride and his second in command. He found them fighting in the middle of nowhere.

Alexander saw Semeen go after his wife with a fighting stick and he ran to defend her.

(Semeen, have you gone mad?) Alexander asked the Alpha wolf through the mind link.

"No, she is not mad" Jamie answered as she turned to deflected the attack on Semeen.

Alexander was surprised. He froze momentarily.

"What is going on?" Even though he asked no one in particular, Semeen knew the question was meant for her. How was a human girl able to connect to a werewolf's mind? Except Semeen had no answer to that question, just more questions of her own.

"We should speak out loud, your highness... especially now that the Queen can hear us" Semeen hoped he got the message she was trying to pass.

Jamie had no idea what was going on but she was having fun and wasn't about to let her insensitive husband ruin it for her.

"Semeen, grab the King's dagger" Jamie yelled at the girl who went after the king but Alexander was quick on his feet. He picked up a fighting stick to avoid using his sword but no one was taking his dagger without an explanation. Jamie joined in and for a while Alexander held both of them off.

Alexander swerved at them and they stopped fighting for awhile.

"What are you doing?" Alexander asked.

"Obeying the Queen...she needs the dagger" Semeen answered.

"What's a Luna?" Jamie asked him.

To avoid answering, Alexander attacked this time around. Jamie tried out the technique, Ursla used to defeat her the first time they met, on Alexander. First she went for his abdomen and when he tried to deflect the attack, she went for his heels. Even though Alexander was fast enough to deflected said attack he left the rest of him vulnerable enough for Semeen to grab his dagger.

"Luna, catch!" Semeen yelled at her and threw the dagger over. Jamie grabbed the dagger mid air and plunged it into her dress creating a slit and allowing her freedom to fight without the limitation of a dress.

Jamie fought like never before and with Semeen's help, they convinced Aradale's greatest warrior to give them a fair fight and he did.

Semeen saw how the Queen got the king to lower his guard. She decided to use the same technique and Jamie saw what she intended to do and went with it but in opposite. While Semeen went for his abdomen, she went for his heel and they interchanged so quickly that Alexander felt the wind knocked out of him as he suddenly found himself on the ground with two fighting sticks pointed at him.

They won.

"Accept defeat, King Alexander!" Jamie demanded with a smirk.

"He can't. He is king but he can tap three times on the ground to show it" Semeen suggested.

Alexander tapped three times. Jamie started jumping up and down like a child. She hugged Semeen who was laughing herself.

"We won! We won!" She chanted.

"Yes, you won Monisha. Now, let's get you to the blind boy"

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