Published at 16th of May 2022 05:03:51 AM

Chapter 122: Unedited Hundred And Twenty Two: Hope

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Chapter hundred and twenty two: Hope

Rosemund stood up from the chair she was seating. It took her awhile to realize that she was nervous. But when did she start being nervous around the only person she loved more than life itself?

A tiny voice in her head answered that question for her. It was when she started lying and manipulating people to protect him. To keep him human like she said she would.

"Alexander, I can explain"

Alexander took off his cufflinks and rolled up his sleeves.

"It's alright, Rose. You did good"

Rosemund was surprised "I did?"

"Yes, if you had not sent the letter to Koi then I would be there by now and we wouldn't have found out that the Queen Eileen of Koi we married Judd to was indeed an imposter" 

Rosemund moved closer to him.

"What do you mean?" 

"Eileen or whomever she was that spent a week here in my castle was not the Queen of Koi, Rose"

"What are we going to do?" Rosemund tried not to panic. An imposter was in their home.

"Find Judd and bring him back to Aradale. We won't give up, Rosemund"

Rosemund wondered for a brief moment if she should keep Janessa's presence in the castle a secret but the last time she kept a secret from him wasn't exactly wonderful. The last time still had her walking on egg shells around him.

"Alexander, I have something to tell you. Please keep an open mind" Rosemund started her statement with. She had decided to go with the truth with the hope that Alexander's love for Jamie might be stronger than his angry.

"Speak, Rosemund....I have a search to conduct"

"Jamie is here" Rosemund murmured sadly to him.

"No, she is not. She knows not to come back to the West. She committed treason when she threatened the crown" Alexander's eye were like two angry dots and it made the princess uncomfortable.

"I am sorry but she is. She is hurt, Xander" Rosemund decided to appeal to his protective side. 

"What does that mean...she is hurt?" Alexander waited patiently for Rosemund to speak up but she kept mute "I am not a mind reader, sister and I am slowly losing my patience"

Rosemund took in air through her mouth before she answered. She also blinked severally as if she was trying to get a speck out of her eyes.

"She...she was beaten by the bandits. She might not make it, brother" 

Rosemund thought Alexander was coming for her but he walked past her.

"Don't just stand there, show me where the dying traitor is, Rose!" Alexander yelled as he walked.

Rosemund grabbed the helm of her dress as ran towards her brother to keep up with his long strides.

Alexander pushed the door of the physician's court open and found her on the little bed in the middle of the room.

She looked fragile and leaner like she had intensionally starved herself of food and other things she needed to live. He took a step inside the room. It was poorly ventilated and illuminated.

Semeen was by herself holding a wet clothes to her forehead.

"She has a high fever and her wounds are deep" Semeen explained to him.

Alexander let out a breathe. "But I asked for no harm to be done to her person"

"The message was what made the bandit do this to her, your highness" Semeen explained further like reminding Alexander that he was the reason she was in a bad way would help temper his justice with mercy.

Alexander's face was blank. He was mute too.

(Was she...was she violated?) His wolf was the one to ask the question on Alexander's mind.

"I don't think so or her companion would have mentioned it. She is untouched"

Semeen could swear she saw signs of relief on Alexander's face before he quickly wiped it.

"Good. Where is the bloody physician?" Alexander thundered.

"Out in the forest, gathering herbs that make a portion for the Queen" Rosemund answered from the doorway she stood.

"She is no longer Queen, remember? She is a traitor I have to execute for treason because of the shenanigans you pulled, Rosemund" Alexander lifted Jamie into his arms and walked out of the room.

Semeen's eyes widened in horror. She stood up and went with the King.

"You can't be serious. She is Luna, you can't kill her" Semeen allowed herself to voice out.

"Does it look like I have a choice?" Alexander asked her.

"Everything is a choice, Alpha... everything. I won't let you" Semeen's voice was calm and collected but it passed the message across.

Alexander turned and watched her with murderous glare.

"What did you just say to me?" 

Semeen refused to back down "I said I won't let you kill the Luna. I won't let you kill the Alpha's mate, King Alexander. My pack and I will stop you and so, will Alpha Max"

"Do you really want to be my enemy, Semeen? Do you really want to threaten me?" Alexander asked her.

"No, I am trying to protect you! If anyone can you unite you with your wolf before you turn into the beast of nightmares and go on a murdering spree, it's Luna Janessa. It's the human girl and I won't let you hurt her. I am sworn to protect the Alpha and I will do that Job even if it meant protecting you from yourself, Wolf King!" Semeen turned and started walking away when Alexander called out to her via the mind link.


Semeen stopped and turned around.

"Gather the wolves warriors, we are going after the bandits"

Semeen tried to suppress a smile as she bowed to him. "Yes, Alpha"

As soon as Semeen walked away, Alexander turned to his sister.

"No one knows the rules and laws of Aradale more than you, Rose. You got her into this mess, help me find a way to get her of it. Help me save her life"

Alexander didn't add that taking the life of the one woman he ever felt something for would break him but he had a feeling that his sister knew that already.

"Yes, brother" Rosemund turned and walked away. She needed to be in the library if she was ever going to find a solution to the problem.

Alexander carried Jamie to his chambers. He tried to drop her on the bed but she grabbed his shirt to stop him from leaving.

"You are safe now, Monisha" he whispered to her and gathered her up in his arms and rocked her like she was a baby.

Alexander started to remember everything he said to her when she held a blade to his sister's throat but he blinked them away. This wasn't the time to remind himself that he wasn't supposed to feel anything for her. It wasn't the time to remember she was supposed to be dead to him or a total stranger. 

Now, as he looked at her vulnerable body nested close to his, all he could think about was the whip they used to lash her into unconsciousness and submission. The whip that made the feisty bride that threatened him the first time they met and turned her until someone that needed to be rocked.

He looked at her face and he couldn't see the strong opinionated willful stubborn woman he had ever seen. Instead, what he saw was someone that looked like her...a shell of her past self and it made Alexander anger.

Someone broke her and he intends to find out who. And killing the man with the whip seemed like a good way to start.

Alexander slowly placed her on the bed and pulled a cover over her. The physician can treat her from here.

Leaving his chambers, he ordered one of his knights, sir Derek to keep watch over her.

Alexander met the rest of the wolves in the forest. They were about twelve of them including commander Blake from the newest pack to join his pack.

"You don't have to be here commander!" Alexander told him as soon as he saw him.

"She is Luna. I am exactly where I need to be, Alpha"

Alexander nodded. 

Semeen moved closer and gave a vile of blood to Alexander.

"I guess we are about to ridd the south of the formidable bandits, everyone" Semeen cheered loudly before she took off in a ran, soon other wolves followed right behind.

Alexander sniffed the blood. He knew who they belonged to but why was Semeen holding a vile of Janessa's blood. Alexander knew it was a conversation for another day. 

Smearing the blood on his wrist, he felt himself merge with his wolf. He had the speed, the strength and the vision. He took off also like he was a speeding light bot.

Ursla made it all the way to Aradale and into the king's castle. She followed the direction Jamie gave to her and she found herself standing opposite the king's chamber.. And the only thing keeping her from getting to the princess was Sir Derrick.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!