Published at 16th of May 2022 05:03:41 AM

Chapter 129: Hundred And Twenty Nine: Waking The Tamed

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Chapter hundred and twenty nine: Waking the Tamed

Councilor Jared opened the King's court to find the crown princess waiting for him instead of the king. At first, he wanted to say nothing but King Alexander wasn't just his king, Jared considered him a friend. If something was wrong and he could help, he should be told about it.

Rosemund sat on the chair reserved for the crown when dealing with kingdom matters; she has been sitting there a lot for the past two weeks. And somehow, she has to do it with a smile and a good posture even when she wants to slouch or go to Jamie's room and pull out her hairs for making her brother into someone she didn't recognize.

Rosemund was seated without slouching and as soon as Jared bowed to her, she pointed to a chair by her right and Jared sat down.

"Councilor Jared, do you have an update for me? I would like a detailed explanation on why the village of Terra is not paying their taxes and why I shouldn't melt out punishment to those defaulting" Rosemund asked him

"With the great bridge of Terra down, influx of foreigners and tourism is greatly reduced and so is influx of income. My advice is to repair the bridge and hold off on taxes until the crown does their duty first...but that is just my suggestion" Jared answered.

"So be it...I want the bridge repaired in a week and taxes to be paid before the end of the month, councilor Jared" Rosemund said as she signed on the scroll and sealed it with the royal seal.

"That is fair, crown princess" Jared stood up. He was almost at the door when he turned back and looked at the princess.

"Your royal highness, may I be as bold as to inquire about the king and our injured Queen?" Jared asked her.

Rosemund smiled, god forbids she let her sadness show.

"The King is fine, councilor"

Jared bowed again and tries to leave when he heard her speak again. "But he isn't, is he?"

Rosemund shrugged like it would make her stop confiding in Jared.

"No, he is not. I imagine if Lucinda May is ill that I wouldn't be too" Jared answered her.

Rosemund turned around and faced him.

"It's been Alexander and I for the longest of time starting from when Mama died. He is my older brother and he protected me from papa's tyranny. Is it wrong that I want to do the same for him?"

Jared was quiet. He knew the princess wanted to vent and she just needed someone to listen.

"I don't have any friends or love interest. The only person I care about is Alexander and I tried to protect him the only way I knew how. But I think I may have broken him" Rosemund didn't know she was crying until she felt the wetness on her cheeks.

"I broke my strong kindhearted brother who has protected me all my life and now, he won't leave her chamber or function well and now....I am all alone. I have no one because I went ahead and broke the only person that gives a crap about me. What have I done, Jared?" Rosemund clasped both hands on her face and she tried to suppress the quake that went through her as she sobbed.

"You've never been further from the truth, Rose"

Rosemund lifted her face up to find Alexander standing there looking like the wild version of his previously collected self.

Rosemund allowed the quake out now. She even cried the more as Alexander pulled her into his arms.

Jared slowly excused himself but he kept guard outside to stop people from interrupting the moment the siblings were having.

Alexander tried to sooth her but whatever she was feeling she must have kept it inside for long.

"You are never going to be alone, Rose. You are my family, little one and good or bad, I am always going to love you Rosemund Lillian Aradale" 

Rosemund let herself go for a little while before she slowly became steady.

"I am sorry I screwed up. How is she doing?" She asked after Jamie.

"Not good.... whatever she learnt in Namura, it broke her and I don't know how to fix her. Am I insane for missing the girl that made me wore pauper clothes to parade around a village? The girl that defended a pack of wolves fearlessly and somehow, always find time to drive me crazy" 

Rosemund listened with rapt attention. It didn't take long for her to realize that her brother was in love.

"You love her, Xander? You are really in love with her"

Alexander was quiet for some time before he answered. "Yes, I love her. I have never felt like this for any girl, Rose. I shouldn't have let her go to Namura. I think I just got tired of her not choosing me...I was too angry that I stopped protecting her"

Rosemund nodded like she just made sense of something "We have to fix her, Xander. Because this family...we don't give up on each other. If you love her...I shall learn how to view her differently too. I will do my best but Alexander, if you have any hope of building something remotely strong, you have to tell her that you are a wolf. Semeen thinks Jamie can handle it and I think so too. And also, we have to find out what is so special about her that she has these powers over you and everyone else"

Alexander might not have said anything but part of him agreed with his sister. Jamie was worth the risk.


Rosemund opened the door to the queen's chamber and entered. The place was dark. The curtains were closed and it smelt like portions. The first thing she did was pull the curtains to let in sunlight.

Jamie shielded her eyes as the strong sun's rays hit her, blinding her temporarily.

"What are you doing?" Rosemund yelled at her "You are Janessa. You don't fold up and crumble because things got difficult"

Jamie turned her head to the other side and didn't say a word but Rosemund wasn't done.

"You are one of us, now. You are of the house of Aradale now, Jamie. Start acting like it"

Rosemund pulled the blanket away from her and climbed on top of the bed. She started to pull Jamie out of the bed. 

As soon as she succeeded, she went to the table and grabbed a pair of scissors.

"You stink, you need a bath and if no one will tell you then I will"

Rosemund started cutting the clothes out of her body, she was almost done when the door opened and her brother came inside.

"Rosemund, what the bloody hell are you doing?" Alexander roared at her.

"She needs a bath and I am going to give her one. It's either you help me carry her to the bath or you leave, Alexander"

Alexander watched her like she has gone mad but he pick Jamie up and took her to the bathing room. He placed her on the chair. He was glad that the hot water he asked the maids to bring inside was in the big tub since the cold water was almost freezing because it was winter.

"You may leave, Xander. I shall take care of her" Rosemund knew her brother was reluctant to leave but he did anyway.

Rosemund took a small bowl and started emptying the hot water out of the wooden tub.

"When I was seven years old, my mother died. Imagine how difficult that must have been for that little girl with no one to talk to. You see, I wasn't close to Alexander at the time. Then he was just the older brother that picked on me and pulled my hair at every turn. He gave me the name - scallywag. I don't know what that means" 

Rosemund finished emptying the hot water. She carried the cold, almost frozen buckets of water and poured it into the tub until it was filled to the brim.

"I was so sad at having lost the only person that gave a finger about me and even sadder that I wasn't given the opportunity to say goodbye at her funeral. I was so sad that I almost slit my wrists but my father walked in on me. Do you know what he did?"

Rosemund started pushing the chair Jamie was sitting closer to the tub.

"Well, I will tell you what he did. He grabbed and placed me on the horse and we rode towards the river, it was winter. When we got there, I thought he was going to show me the place my mother was laid to rest but instead, he picked me up and threw me into the freezing river and watched as I fought for life"

Rosemund stared at the tub for a moment "I think he enjoyed it. He enjoyed watching me almost drown, two out of the three times it happened, he jumped inside and pulled me out when he saw I was drowning but....I pulled myself out the third time, walked right past him and walked back to the castle to find my brother making a warm fire for me"

Rosemund looked at Jamie and held her chin "I know you must be wondering what the moral of my story is...I don't know. Maybe, a father's tyranny towards his child or maybe I remember what he told me that day after I made it to my Chamber" 

Rosemund pushed the chair close to the tub

"He said there is nothing like a real near death experience to force you to choose life. Sorry Jamie but I guess, I am my father's daughter after all"

Rosemund pushed the Queen and she fell in.. Taking both hands, she held her under the cold freezing water.

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