Published at 16th of May 2022 05:03:39 AM

Chapter 131: Hundred And Thirty One: This Is Not A Joke

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Chapter hundred and thirty one:  this is not a joke

"What did you say?" Alexander asked her in a low voice.

Alexander suddenly felt the urge to physically shrink away, he was staring intently at her with wide eyes and he could have sworn his hand was trembling just a little bit, except when he looked at the hand, it was still.

The goose bumps on his body were real and so was the out of normal pounding heart.

"It's nothing, Alexander. I was probably hallucinating due to fact that Rosemund tried to dro..." Jamie remembered her promise to Rosemund fast enough to shut her mouth.

(Tell her the truth!) Max whispered to Alexander. If this was their chance to come clean to their Luna, they should take it.

"Tell me the truth about what?" Jamie asked him.

Alexander's wolf realized too late that Jamie could hear him now. He simply retreated into a corner of his mind.

"Are you hungry, Janessa?" Alexander had to say something to keep from answering her question.

"Yes, please. May I have some bread and maybe potatoes.... possible sweet wine? That is if you don't mind. I can get it myself, Alexander" Jamie said in a low voice. 

Alexander had told her that he loved her but now, she has to be worthy of that love and act accordingly.

Alexander chuckled "Meekness doesn't suit you, Monisha. You better stick to ordering everyone around"

"But you hate it when I order you about, your highness" Jamie was puzzled. She was going out of her way to be the kind of woman he wants and he seemed to want the opposite. It was confusing.

"I do hate it" Alexander replied and stood up. He went to the door and he ordered the first person he saw to get Meg to send food to the Queen's Chamber.

He returned to the bed and sat there. His mind was chaotic.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

"Come inside, if you have food" 

The door opened and Ursla entered carrying a pan of food. She placed it on the table as soon as she saw Jamie.

"You are awake!" Ursla temporarily forgot that the king was in the room as she jumped on Jamie and hugged her tightly. "You are awake!"

"It's good to see you, Ursla" Jamie wrapped her arms around her.

"I thought you were never going to wake up. It was terrifying. Good lord! You are awake!" Ursla felt the sting of tears on her cheeks and she quickly wiped it off.

"What have you been doing, Ursla? Do you like it here?" Jamie was curious. She wanted to know how the only family that came with her to Aradale was coping.

"I like it here. Sir Derrick and Walters let me fight with them. I am learning a lot and… I shouldn't I have said that in front of the king" Ursla turned and faced the King. She was panicked.

"Oh! I forgot for a second that I was king too, giving the fact that you are on the bed with my wife and I" Alexander said sarcastically.

"I should take my leave, now" Ursla spared a smile and walked out.

Jamie went for the food on the table and unlike before she offered some to Alexander. He joined her for breakfast because all of a sudden he was famished too.

"I will try to be the woman you want me to be. I will be more obedient and receptive. I will be the Queen you can proudly show off to the world, Alexander. I will be better" Jamie spoke tenderly to him.

"Except don't do any of that" Alexander told her.

"Wait, I thought that will please you. I am trying to be better for you" Jamie was confused.

"Well, I don't want that. The whole idea of loving you means I have to accept you just the way you are and I have. I won't change a single thing about you, Janessa. All I ask for, is for you come to accept me just as I am too" 

Alexander's speech made Jamie's eyes wet just a little bit. Then she started crying. The King was uncomfortable with this vulnerability. The Janessa he knew doesn't cry if not provoked about something.

"What is it, darling?" Alexander touched her cheek.

"Why didn't you make me a mistress like you agreed with King Jared? I wasn't supposed to be Bella's replacement. I was supposed to be your plaything" Jamie asked him.

Even as she sobbed, she didn't stop eating her bread. It was a little bit amusing to the King. His woman could eat, no matter the mood or conversation.

"Tell me the truth, Alexander. Why didn't you take me as a mistress?" 

"Because I like my head… Sweetheart, you heard a blade to my throat the first time we met and you were to be a Queen. Imagine what would have happened to my neck if I had told you to be my plaything. There was no way it would have ended well for me" Alexander told her and chuckled. 

Jamie didn't find it funny. She didn't smile even for a little bit.

"I don't know. There was something different about you. I think it's because you intrigued me. I had never seen a woman like you and I was fascinated. That fascination turned to love" Alexander told the truth.

"Alexander, I lov...." Jamie was interrupted by Alexander.

"Wait! Before you say that....there is something you need to know"

This was the moment for the king of Aradale. He imagined this particular scenario would go two ways. The first scenario was he tells her about his wolf and she hugs him, which seemed highly unlikely. Or he tells her about Max and she screams in fear and runs the opposite direction. She tells everyone she comes in contact with, anyone that had ears and soon, nations will rise up to overthrown him. He will be utterly destroyed.

"What you saw when you touch Rosemund was not false? I am a werewolf" 

Alexander watched to see if her skin will loss color and she will become chalk white in shock. Alexander's entire body was impossibly still, he could feel his toes beginning to tingle like he was being separated from his blood.

He waited for the explosion, the one he knew wasn't far behind, but it never came. Instead, Jamie took a bite from the baked potato and a sip of wine.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Alexander pulled back his shoulders like he was stretching.

"Yes. You said you were a werewolf" Jamie answered him.

"It means I am human and I have the ability to transform into a wolf. Except I am cursed and my wolf is separate from me" Alexander explained further.

"Hmm-uhhm" Jamie nodded and took a bite from the sweet bread. "You are not cursed. You just have an over active imagination but that is okay. When I was six years old I had an imaginary friend, her name was Leona. I grew out of it and so will you, Alexander"

Alexander was getting just a little bit frustrated. He needed Janessa to take him seriously but here, she was chalking it up to imagination.

"No, Janessa listen to me. I am not joking. I am Alpha; I have a pack of werewolves living in the waste land. Hell, your lady in waiting, Semeen is my second in command. She is a werewolf too" 

Jamie stopped eating and looked at him, seriously "So, you and Semeen are werewolves? What about Rosemund?"

"She will be too if I die. If she ever inherits the crown, she will transform into one" Alexander was glad she was beginning to take him seriously until she touched his head. 

She was checking for fever.

"You don't have fever but you must be sleep deprived. You should get some rest, Alexander" Jamie told him.

"By the tooth of Thor, I am not joking. Here, touch me and see my past" Alexander pulled her hand and rested it on his palm. 

"I don't think that part of my power is working well, your highness. And you are frightening me?" Jamie told him.

"Just try" Alexander whispered.

Jamie took the bread knife and pricked her finger drawing blood. She placed it on Alexander and she saw his past.

"Oh, thank the gods!" Jamie gasped and pulled away.

"Did you see it?" Alexander asked her.

"Yes, I did. You turned into Max. You turned into a wolf" Jamie said but instead of apprehension, it was relief on her face.

"Then you believe me" Alexander asked her.

"I believe my power is faulty! Which is great, it means I imagined the part where my mother was giving birth to me" Jamie said.

Alexander stood up and opened her wardrobe. He picked out the most simplest of dresses and gave it to her. The blue dress had the minimum hooks and buttons.

"What are you doing?" Jamie picked up the dress and played with the fabrics.

Alexander opened the shoe rack to bring out shoes for her as he answered in a gruff voice.

"Dress up, we are going to the waste land, Luna"

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