Published at 16th of May 2022 05:03:11 AM

Chapter 150: Unedited Hundred And Fifty: Wants And Desires

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Chapter hundred and fifty: Wants and desires

The royal families stood outside the castle with the exception of Jamie and her brother. They waited patiently for their carriage. King Jared spared king Alexander a look but the king of the west was nonchalant at saying anything to him. He may have stayed out of the issue he was having with his wife because he was to be blamed too for the part he took in hurting Janessa but he also wanted his father in law to know that in the future, causing Janessa pain will not be tolerated.

Both men kept looking at each other, even Judd and Eileen noticed it but Luther Judd was reluctant to say anything except hold his wife's hand. 

"Thank you for hosting us at such a short notice, your highness" Alexander said but his voice said otherwise.

"You are welcome, son" king Jared offered his hand for a shake.

Alexander took it and he shook it "If..."

He started to say but Jared interrupted him.

"Be good to my daughter or else..." 

Alexander smiled trying to hide his irritation from Jared. Jamie might have decided to forgive her father but he knew that father's were bad news.

He tightened his grip on king Jared's hand and with a smile still on his face, he went ahead to pass the message.

"If you hurt her again, I will take your head, king..."

"Alexander!" Jamie's presence came as a shock to both men.

"I was barely gone for a few minutes and you are threatening my father!" 

"Why are you yelling at me? He threatened me first" Alexander tried to defend himself.

Jamie had a look on her face that said she wasn't surprised .

"Ask, Luther!" Alexander said further.

"I wasn't paying attention. '' Luther murmured to them and walked away to enter the carriage with his wife who was just smiling.

"Luther is lying to you" Alexander told her again.

Jamie rolled her eyes and hugged her father.

"Good bye, father"

"Good bye, Jamie. Visit me soon, alright?"

Jamie nodded. She turned around and looked at the carriage and yelled.

"Luther, you broke my husband's are responsible for getting him down to the carriage!"

"I can manage, Monisha and everybody doesn't need to know that I got beaten up" Alexander whispered to his wife.

Judd came down from the carriage to help the king.

Semeen watched everything with a renewed sense of loneliness. At least when she was here, she had Elliot's wits and charm to keep her company but now, as she took her step towards the horse she would be riding, the sense of loneliness had returned.

"Semeen! Wait!" She turned around at the sound of her name being called.

"Prince Elliott" 

He was formally dressed and his servant was holding a small bag, which Semeen could assume was his clothes.

"What are you doing?" Jamie asked his brother.

"I am coming with you to Aradale" Elliott announced.

"No, you are not" Jamie said to him.

"Don't bother, I tried" Arabella's voice was heard as she walked up to them.

"You are not following me to my husband's house, Elle" Jamie said with a stricter voice.

"I am not, Jamie. I have an unfinished business with someone" Elliott was looking at Semeen as he spoke.

"Can I talk to you?" Semeen said and grabbed his hand. They walked over to the corner and spent exactly one minute in talking when Elliott walked back inside with an angry demeanor while Semeen simply mounted her horse and ignored stares from everyone.

Jamie said goodbye to her family and they left.

Inside the carriage, everyone looked at each other without saying much. Alexander especially kept staring at Judd. He did his best to ignore the king's stares but it was uncomfortable and for a man who loves to be in the background and not the center of attention, this new found interest that the king has with him was surely not welcomed.

"I think I will ride with my men" Judd said and tapped on the carriage to tell the coach to stop.

"Or you can ask King Alexander to stop looking at you" His wife suggested to Judd.

"He is King" Judd reminded her 

"He is your brother" Eileen countered.

The carriage jolted and came to a stop. Judd opened it and left.

Few seconds later, Semeen enters the carriage.

"Sir Judd said I need to be here" 

For a few seconds, Semeen had her eyes closed.

(Are you alright?) Alexander asked her via the mind link.

(I am fine, your highness)

Jamie could hear them talk in her head but she didn't have the ability to say something back without opening her mouth.

"What was that between you and my brother, Semeen?" Jamie asked her out loud.

"Nothing. He wants what he can't have" Semeen murmured out loud.

(He is not my mate. There was no need for me to like him) 

Semeen told them through her mind link.

(You don't know he is not your mate. I have a human as a mate, myself. Anything is possible) 

Alexander told her.

(We are the exception to the rule, Alexander. We found our mate and she just happens to be a human witch) Max said to Semeen .

"Hey" Jamie tapped Alexander on the shoulder "Don't call me that, Max" 

"Who is Max?" Eileen asked them.

"I am Max" Alexander answered. He didn't offer further explanation even when Eileen clearly looked confused.

(Alpha Max, gets it. You are the exception to the rule. I am almost nineteen years of age, where is my mate?) Semeen asked nobody in particular.

(You will find him, Semeen) Alexander reassured her.

"Or maybe she already has. Do you not like my brother?" Jamie asked her.

"It doesn't matter, Queen Janessa. We can't change our destiny, even if we want to"

The word destiny set Jamie off.

"That is not true! We can change our destiny. It's not set in stone" 

Even Alexander noticed the change in her voice. He wrapped his hand around hers and squeezed.

"I am sorry" Jamie murmured as an apology to everyone for raising her voice.

"What kind of magic do you have, Queen Eileen?" Alexander asked the Queen of Koi.

Eileen turned to her left and her eyes fell on Semeen, like he was reminding the king that they should probably not talk about it in the presence of a servant.

"I trust Semeen with my life. You should too" Alexander told her.

Eileen was uneasy but she nodded.

"I have magic in my blood. I got it from my mother's side. I always thought that it was a myth but I guess it's not" Eileen answered.

"What exactly can you do? Are you a beast mistress too?" Jamie asked her 

"Beast mistress? No, I am not. I can only control one creature and they are extinct" Eileen told them.

"What creatures?" Alexander asked her 


"I thought those were mythical creatures... meaning they don't exist" Semeen said with disbelief.

"They haven't for awhile now but my mother told me a story of the lost dragon eggs. It's probably made up but it gives hope, doesn't it?" Eileen asked with a smile.

"Yes it does" Jamie smiled reassuringly at her.

When they got to Aradale, what greeted them made Alexander's eyes open wider in shock.

The crown princess was throwing a party in Judd and Eileen's honor.

When Alexander got down from the carriage, he saw his sister standing by the railings wearing her crown. She was also in her ceremonial wear.

Judd helped the king up the stairs amidst the trumpet and drums as Rosemund smiled like she was pleased with herself.

"Pretend you like the party" Alexander told Judd as they walked closer to Rosemund.

"But I don't. I find it bothersome and annoying" Judd grunted in response.

"It doesn't matter. She is your little sister. Her happiness comes before yours and I don't take it lightly when people hurt her feelings, Judd" Alexander warned him.

"So, you want me to smile and tell the crown princess that I like the fiasco even when you know that as soon as I can that I will slip away to hide out in the forest like I always do?" Judd said and looked at the King.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying and you are telling me that you are her brother, Luther" Alexander told her.

"Nobody needs to know that I am King Darius bastard son, your highness" Judd told him.

"You are a part of my family now, Luther which automatically makes you a part of Rosemund's family. I understand why you kept the secret to yourself but not anymore. I don't keep secrets from my sister. It's why this family has worked so far and I would rather you don't keep this information from her too. She has a right to know'' Alexander made a good case to Judd.

"No, she doesn't. It's my personal business" Luther reminded him.

"It's not. If you don't tell her, I will. I don't understand your hesitation" Alexander was getting irritated by the second.

"Had it occurred to you, your highness, that maybe I don't want to be a part of your family?"

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