Published at 16th of May 2022 05:02:45 AM

Chapter 168: Chapter Hundred And Sixty Seven: Light Of A Thousand Night Sky.

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Chapter hundred and sixty seven: light of a thousand night sky.

Jamie stared in silence and bleakly as the death knights made their announcement in the throne room. She was required to stand beside the vacant throne as they made the announcement.

She hated it. She hated the look of sadness on their faces. Jamie hated the way they were looking at her like she was going to fall apart into a million pieces. She hated the look they will have on their faces if she doesn't fall apart.

She was required to stand beside the stupid empty throne like she needed a reminder that Alexander wasn't with her.

And it was exactly what she did. She stood there with an expressionless face and by her side with a stone cold face was Rosemund.

"I don't understand" Jamie murmured even though the knight had told her severally.

"Jamie, He is saying Alexander is no more. He died…he is dead. He is not breathing. He won't come back to us. He died" Rosemund tried to explain in a low voice.

Jamie turned around to face Rosemund.

"But he is lying…" she faced the knight "Why are you lying? Did someone tell you to say that to me?" Jamie asked the knight.

The knight felt sorry for her but he didn't answer; he simply took a step back and allowed his colleagues to take over.

Jamie was quiet throughout the next announcement. She only vaguely heard Rosemund say something about Judd.

"I have sent emissaries to Koi, Queen Eileen should be here….to say goodbye at least" Rosemund said in a clear voice.

The soon to be Queen was numb…. too numb, after she fainted and woke up later in the Queen's Chamber, she was surrounded by a few wolves and Jamie. She waited for the pain but none came, she was simply numb.

"Your royal highness, you will be crowned properly in an hour. The kingdom can't go without a ruler for long" Lord Jones reminded the princess.

"Then start the preparation, lord Jones" Rosemund ordered. "But it won't be today…the coronation will happen tomorrow" She insisted.

Rosemund wondered how outside was.

It was dark outside. The night was deepening and spreading her black angel wings over Derkal like it was just another dark night. Like she just didn't lose her brother and is on the way to lose another.

Rosemund hated that the night had no respect whatsoever. She wished it would stand still, maybe mourn with her instead of carrying on like nothing happened. 

She wished there were billions of stars exploding to declare to everyone far and near that Alexander Lucian Aradale, King over the West and brother to Rosemund, husband to Jamie was gone for good.

But this night did not. There was nothing special about the night but Rosemund longed to change it. She couldn't. She didn't have the power.

"But princess, the kingdom…." Lord Jones started but Rosemund overruled him.

"The kingdom lost their king and I lost my family. We need time to mourn. This court is adjourned" Rosemund dismissed everyone except Sir Derrick. And Jamie remained rooted to the ground.

"Who is leading my brother's army…my armies now, Derrick?" Rosemund asked him.

"Sir Walters took up leadership after the lead knight and our king was incapacitated"

Rosemund blinked. It was okay to say 'died' but people keep coming up with fancy names as if they will be less deader.

"Tell me exactly what happened….I think my sister needs to hear it out loud, Derrick" Rosemund asked of the knights.

Derrick cleared the fog at the back of his throat and he spoke in a low voice.

"Three days ago…."

Jamie listened with the attention of a curious mouse, Rosemund was right. She needed to hear every single little detail.

Three days ago, Alexander did a bizarre thing that shocked his entire squad, the king relinquished his authority in its entirety and the decision making to his lead knight, Luther Judd.

Even though everyone was surprised, they obeyed his wishes and Judd led his army until the wee hours of yesterday when half of the camp was alerted.

The king had been standing too close to the enemy line and he was attacked by several arrows from the south, Judd had tried to save him with the king's personal knights. Five were badly injured, one dead and yet, the king's corpse wasn't rescued. 

Everyone watched as he bled out from almost twenty arrows impaled in every aspect of his body.

"I am sorry" Derrick whispered at last "We are losing the war, Your majesties" 

Rosemund blinked again and again. She didn't need anyone to remind her that they were losing the war.

Jamie moved closer and she grabbed Derrick's forearm. "My husband is not dead. Send a message to the south….tell them that until he is given back to me, I will hunt them down one after the other, day and night. I won't sleep and I won't rest until I put everyone one of them int the ground"

Jamie's fingernails dug into the knight's arm but he didn't complain. He simply looked at her and he repeated after her.

"We will hunt them down one by one, day and night. We won't rest until they are all in the ground" 

"Good! Now, tell everyone you see" Jamie ordered.

Derrick bowed and he left them.

Jamie wanted to leave but Rosemund stopped her.

"Don't go. I can't see Judd alone. Will you come with me?" Rosemund asked her.

"Of course but don't cry, Rose. He is not dying either" 

Jamie started to walk out but she heard Rosemund's voice.

"He is. The physician said he won't make it past the night, Jamie. I am going to lose another brother and I don't want to be alone, please" Rosemund pleaded with her.

Jamie thought about it for a minute before she offered her hand to Rosemund and she took it. Together, they walked out.

Rosemund stopped first and then Jamie did too.

The night wasn't dark anymore. There was brightness everywhere Rosemund looked.

She saw Semeen standing by the railings with a wet face and both Rosemund and Jamie took a step closer.

"What's going on?" Jamie asked Semeen.

"They just kept showing up and now? Now, they are showing up even more" Semeen answered.

Rosemund took another step and she gasped. This night was special after all. Even though the night didn't stand still, people found a way around it.

Everywhere she turned to, she saw thousands of people holding candle lights as far as her eyes could follow.

"They didn't forget!" Rosemund blinked back tears. 

"Since when did the west mourn a king?" Derrick asked as he appeared behind them. He had a surprise look on his face.

"Since they met someone called Alexander and he changed their lives" Jamie whispered with a smile.

"Look Alexander….look at what you've done" Rosemund whispered to herself.

She longed to stay longer to celebrate her brother's legacy but she had another brother to say goodbye to.

She grabbed Jamie's hand and they both walked down to the physician's court to say goodbye to Luther Judd.

Judd barely had a pulse and he looked too pale to have one. He was lying on the bed with about three arrows shot to his abdomen.

"Oh, Luther" 

Rosemund whispered and sat beside him on his bed. Without thinking it further, she rest her head on his chest. Rosemund closed her eyes and she felt her tears wet his chest. It was unbearable.

"Eileen?" Judd whispered to her.

"She is coming. She's doing her best to get here before…" Rosemund's voice trailed off.

"I am sorry" Judd whispered.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, dear brother. I am sure you did your best with Alexander" Rosemund soothed him "Now, you just have to hold on for a little while until Eileen gets here"

Rosemund rubbed his forehead like he was an alling baby.

"Hold on, Luther…my b-brother" she stared into his eyes "My b-big brother…did I tell you that I was glad to have met you"

She closed her eyes briefly to stop the tears.

Judd's breathing was becoming shallower by the second.

"I failed him. I failed you, sorry"

Rosemund brought her forehead and rested it on his.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Luther. You and Alexander are the best thing to have happened to a temperamental little princess like me. Now, you did your best. You kept your brother safe for as long as you could. You did your duty as lead knight" 

Rosemund wished she was stronger and she wasn't currently slobbering on a dying man's face.

Judd wrapped his arms around her. He needed her to hear it and since he was too weak to say it out loud, Judd settled for whispering it to her.


"What are you trying to tell me?" Rosemund asked him.

"I…I love you, baby sister"

Rosemund buried her face deeper into his neck. "I love you too" she whispered to him.

"Rose, you need to let him go" Jamie told her from the corner where she stood.

"I can't.. I don't want to" Rosemund protested violently.

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