Published at 16th of May 2022 05:05:47 AM

Chapter 38: Thirty Eight: Do You Believe In Revenge?

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Chapter thirty eight: Do you believe in revenge?

Jamie opened her eyes. For a moment everything was blurry. It took time for her eyes to adjust to see everything around her.

She saw the worry lines on the face of the person beside her. It was the princess Rosemund.

What was she doing by her side with a wet linen. Rosemund wiped her face like she was a sick child. Jamie blamed her foggy mind for the hallucination. There was no way the crown princess of the biggest hemisphere was playing a nursemaid to the sister in law she hates.

"You are awake" Rosemund whispered to her.

Jamie opened her eyes wider. It wasn't a hallucination. The princess was tending to her.

She tried to sit up but felt the sting on her shoulder. Jamie let out a breath from her mouth.

Her brain and mind fighting hard to recall everything. But it was fruitless, everything was blank. She remembered escaping and then she woke up here, in the king's chamber.

"What happened?"

"Try not to move so much, Her Majesty. You were injured in the forest" Rosemund answered her.

"Why are you taking care of me, Princess Rosemund? I thought you hated me"

"Hate is a strong word, my Queen. I simply dislike you"

"You still haven't answered why you are taking..."

Jamie tried to move to the side and felt the chains on her hand. It answered her question.

Rosemund looked like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her.

"I am sorry. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen"

Jamie understood why the princess was taking care of her instead of a nursemaid. She was embarrassed at her brother's behavior and she wanted it to be a secret.

Jamie reckoned Alexander doesn't give a rat butt if people saw that he had his wife chained up but Rosemund did. She was all about appearances and it wouldn't speak well if people found out that the Queen of Aradale was a prisoner in her own castle.

"I am sorry" Rosemund apologized again to the mute Queen.

"Don't be. Your brother is a pervert who has a thing for chains. I am not surprised" Jamie smiled nonchalantly like the chain didn't bother her at all.

It did. She was furious. Alexander had reduced her to something that even the cold hearted princess pitied. He would pay for his actions.

"You think me a pervert, her Majesty?"

Jamie was startled. The voice came from behind her. Alexander was in the same room.

"His Highness...her Majesty" Rosemund bowed and excused herself.

The princess had no wish to be in the same room as her crazy brother and his sharp tongued wife anymore.

"The chain is for your safety, Monisha" Alexander moved closer to occupy the chair Rosemund stood up from.

"No, his Highness. The chain is for your safety. I will kill you"

Alexander relaxed back in the chair.

"Aren't you too weak to make threats, sweetheart?"

Jamie shook her head. The hatred she had for him was otherwise intensified now.

"Open the curtains, Alex" Jamie knew he hated it when she shortens his name and she expected him to complain but he didn't.

King Alexander knew his Queen was baiting him. He moved and opened the curtains.

Jamie ripped out the bandage to examine the injury on her shoulder with a calm expression.

"Aren't you going to ask me how you got hurt, Janessa?" Alexander moved closer to the bed. But he was careful not to be within her arm's reach.

"You shot me, Alexander" She simply stated. Alexander detected no malice in her voice. It bothered him a bit. He expected her to be angry and say hurtful things but she just behaved like he had gifted her some flowers instead of a flesh wound.

Jamie looked at the injury, examining it.

"By the looks of my shoulder, his Highness shot me with an arrow. A little to the left and I would have bled to death in minutes"

Jamie reached for the fresh bandages on the table close to her and Alexander wanted to help but the cold look he saw in Janessa's eyes made him pause. She could easily wrap the bandage around his neck and strangle him.

"I once shot myself on the foot when I was learning archery. It stung" Jamie wrapped the injury with the bandage.

"I thought you would be angry at me, Janessa for shooting you"

Alexander could see she was in pain. The injury on her shoulder would make any maiden cry but Jamie took the pain with a manly dignity he had never seen before.

He was sorry he hurt her. All Alexander wanted to do was wrap his hands around her and ask for forgiveness. But he had a feeling that he would be dead if he came closer to her.

He had expected anger even prepared for it but this cold detachment he received from her made him edgy.

"Why bother with anger, when I could have revenge, his Highness?"

"I like her!" His wolf was excited.

"Shut up!" Alexander snapped at his wolf "If she kills me, she kills you too"

"Oh! I never thought of it like that. Stay away from her, Alexander" Max his wolf warned him.

"How did you free yourself, King? No one has ever escaped my demon's knots before" Jamie was curious.

"I dislocated my shoulder"

"Did it hurt?"

"Yes. Yes, it did"

"I am sorry, his Highness"

"You are sorry?"

"Yes. I am sorry I wasn't there to watch it. I am hungry. Send in food"

"I am king over western hemisphere, not your personal errand boy, Janessa"

Jamie ignored him.

"I want chicken, broth and wine.... lots of wine"

"I am not..." Alexander was interrupted by a voice in his mind.


( King Alexander, I found one. Hurry, he is in trouble!)

Alexander was still learning how to block Semeen's ability to talk to him without his permission. He needed to learn how to block the mind link.

But if there was a werewolf in trouble, it was exactly where he needed to be.

"I have to go" he said abruptly to his bride. "Semeen needs me"

"Sure" Janessa's voice was laced with acid.

She wondered why she cared so much if the king wants another woman. She had no reason whatsoever to care. Except she did.

Alexander stood up and left.

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