Published at 16th of May 2022 05:05:26 AM

Chapter 54: Fifty Four Jamie Kissed Her Brother

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Chapter fifty four: Jamie kissed her brother!

"You are welcome, Lily" Jamie smiled at her and urged the little girl to follow her siblings.

Rosemund hugged Alexander while Jamie saw Rachael and Ginger almost bow to them but they stopped themselves just in time.

Jamie decided to make the introductions.

"I am Jamie. You've met my sister, Rose and our friends, Rachael and Jordan whom everybody calls Ginger. This is my brother, Alex and his friend Judd" Jamie felt very pleased with herself.

Alexander hated that she had referred to him as her brother instead of husband. He thought he was going to let it slide but his desire to punish Jamie proved bigger.

He grabbed her and pulled her closer to himself. He kissed her through the gasp that escaped Jared and May's mouths. The siblings were behaving like lovers and it was an abomination.

Alexander parted her mouth and sank his tongue loose. The kiss had the power to force Jamie to get over the shock of the kiss itself and without thinking of the way she had introduced him, she kissed him back. It felt good to give as much as she took. She had learnt how to pleasure Alexander's mouth just like he did hers.

Rosemund couldn't take the horror on the host couple's face anymore. She took a breath and ignored the kissing machine.

"I feel like I should explain. When my sister in law called Alex, her brother she was just playing a horrible joke on you. They are married very recently and it explains why they can't keep their hands off of each other. Which I think is gross and I am going outside"

Rosemund saw Jared and May relax as she smiled and went outside.

Alexander finally let Jamie go, she smiled with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. It was the first time he had kissed her in front of an audience.

"I apologize for the joke" Jamie blushed as she spoke.

"You are young. You are allowed to have fun, Jamie. Oh! Your dress must have tore when you saved Lily. Come with me, I will give something to change into"

May grabbed Jamie's hand and pulled her towards her bedroom door. Once inside, Jamie had time to look around. There were portraits everywhere of the family and it was unusual, peasant family had have enough money for day to day requirement and rarely wasted money on frivolities such as portraits.

Jamie saw another one she admire, it was a portrait of a little girl by the river holding a duck, Jamie guessed the little girl might be Lily judging by the way she sat.

The rest of the small room held little furniture except for the small bed, the stool and the beautiful wooden wardrobe by the corner. And then was the old iron drawer that was almost falling apart, one of the leg of the drawer was gone and it was wedged between the wardrobe and the wall for support.

Jamie's eyes went to the portrait.

"It's beautiful" She whispered more to herself than to May.

"I call it THE LILLY. I painted it when Lilly turned six"

"You paint?" Jamie sounded surprised.

"It's my passion. Just like woodwork is Jared's passion"

Jamie smiled when May called Jared's name. It reminded her of her father, King Jared.

"But not alot of people in Trinity can spare a penny for a portrait not with the tax King Alexander is imposing on us" May sounded both sad and irritated that she thought about the King.

"I heard he is asking for seven silver penny. I think that is fair, May" Jamie suddenly felt the urge to protect Alexander.

"No. The king is asking for thirteen silver pennies" May opened the box angrily "How on earth are we supposed to afford that!"

May took out a blue dress from the box and handed it over to Jamie. It was a simple dress that went below the knee and it was perfect for Jamie.

When they came out of the bedroom, Alexander felt time froze as he watched his wife. Good lord! She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Jamie tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled awkwardly at Alexander. Why was he looking at her like that? Like she was the only woman in the world.

"Let's have lunch, shall we?" May told everyone. She also went outside to call the children and the rest of the royal household.

Lunch was simple bread and broth. Everyone sat down around the table and chatted heartily. Alexander loved it but he also hated it. It reminded him of the childhood Rosemund and himself had missed. It reminded Jamie of home.

"Mama, isn't that your wedding dress?" Julian pointed at the blue dress Jamie was wearing.

"Julian, take some water and stop bothering your mother" her father told her.

Jamie knew then that May had given her, her most prized dress to wear. After lunch and with the children outside, Alexander sat down with May, Jared, Jamie and Judd.

"Jared, how would you like to be councilor over trinity?" Alexander asked out of nowhere.

Jared laughed like it was something he had always dreamt of doing.

"If wishes were horses, new friend?" Jared said instead.

"What if my husband is a genie that can grant that wish, what would you do as Trinity first woodwork councilor?" Jamie asked him.

"I would advise the king even grovel for the tax to return to seven silver pennies and I will construct a bridge between Trinity and the next village, that way we will get more income through inter-village trade. Then I would figure the rest out" Jared said pulled his wife closer to himself.

"What do you think of the king of the West?" Jamie asked the couple.

"I think he is a beast, a charlatan that couldn't be bothered about the sufferings of the people he is supposed to be protecting"

Jamie saw Alexander clench his fist as May spoke of him.

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