Published at 16th of May 2022 05:05:09 AM

Chapter 67: Sixty Seven: Winter Is Here

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Chapter sixty seven: Winter is here 

It's been almost a week since the king and the queen had their argument and Jamie had threatened Alexander's life. They occasionally saw each other at breakfast and briefly outside the court's door as both prepared for the winter hunt.

The couple avoided each other except for the five minutes this morning when they had to stand and announce to their subjects that the hunt begins tomorrow.

Afterwards, Jamie had wanted to talk but Alexander walked away instead. Now, she was standing by the window of her room looking at travellers, kings and noble families as they arrive on their horses and carriages.

Jamie was dressed in a gold color dress that frame her perfect body and her tiara was on her head. She looked breathtaking.

Instead of turning her hair into a bun like most royalty do, Jamie went for the opposite. Her neatly combed short black hair fell to her shoulders and it made her look more unique.

Lucinda May watched her from a corner in the room.

"Your Majesty, it's time you join your family at the steps to welcome your visitors" 

"I just need a second, Lucinda."

"Yes, Milady" 

Jamie took another deep breath to steady her nerves before she walked out the room.

Alexander stood by the steps with his sister by his side. He wondered whether Janessa plans to stand by his side as he received kings and queens of other realms, noble men and knights from every corner of the earth.

He turned to search for her with his eyes but instead his eyes fell on Semeen as she walked outside to stand with the rest of the Queen's ladies in waiting. 

She wore a red dress that made her breathtaking and dangerous. Her hair was a messy bun and her skin was flawless. Alexander could hear gasps that went through most of his knights standing by his corner. Apart from Alexander and the Royal councilor Jared, every other men within the castle steps were enchanted by Semeen's beauty including he steel hearted knight Judd.

Then Alexander saw her reflection when he pulled out his ceremonial sword to examine. He was dumbstruck and frozen. He tried to wipe off the enchanted look on his face before he turned and walked up to her. He couldn't help but blink when he offered his arm to her.

"May I walk with you, your Majesty?" 

"It will be my pleasure, your Highness" Jamie smiled weakly at him and took his arm.

As she walked she saw people turn to stare at her. Knights and ladies alike, they all wanted a glimpse of her. Even Her sister in law Rosemund stared too.

Jamie fast became self conscious. Maybe she shouldn't have done something different from the others. She shouldn't have let her hair down. She became nervous as Alexander didn't say anything about her dress or her hair.

After a while, Jamie decided to ask him.

"You don't like the dress, do you?" Jamie whispered to him as they walked.

"What?" Alexander was surprised by the statement, what he thought never mattered to her before. "It's a beautiful dress, Janessa. It looks good on you"

"Then it must be the hair, I should have just tied it into a bun like everyone else" Jamie murmured.

Alexander stopped. His wife was feeling insecure and on the spotlight. He couldn't help but do something to correct that notion even though he had promised himself not to get too involved in her less he falls in love with her. But she was feeling insecure and his need to reassure her was greater than his need for his self preservation.

He stared at her.

"Why would you ever want to be like everyone? You are Jamie, Queen of the West. Princess of the East and you are..." Alexander stopped himself from telling her, she was his. There was no need claiming someone who doesn't want to be claimed.

"I am what?" Jamie asked him.

"You are beautiful just the way you are" Alexander said instead.

Jamie smiled at him. She missed this side of him not the side that impose lady in waiting on her and threatens her sister. She liked this side of him except she didn't want to.

Alexander saw the way her face lit up when he told her the truth about her appearance. She almost looked like she wants him too. Without putting too much though to it, he planted a small kiss on forehead. When he turned to resume walking with her, people stared at both of them including their latest arrival, the southern crown prince of the kingdom of Bel and his wife.

"Now, everyone is looking at us" Alexander whispered to her.

"That is because you are... handsome" Jamie turned crimson red after uttering those words without thinking.

Alexander stopped again. He couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"No need to blush and be embarrassed, Monisha. You are allowed to pay me a compliment. Are you good to walk?"

Jamie nodded and they continued on their way.

The crown prince of Bel came with four knights of his own. Alexander knew him well enough, he was a chronic skirt chaser that he plans to place as far away from his sister as possible. And his brunette wife, a young looking thing who lived in his shadows. A maid standing behind them was holding their infant daughter.

Alexander moved forward with the rest of his family to welcome them.

"Crown prince Dempsey and princess Jasmine of Bel welcome to the West. I am glad you could find time out of your busy schedule to grace us with your presence" Alexander smiled. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Your Highness, the pleasure is all ours" Prince Dempsey shook his hands while his wife lowered her head to him in greeting and offered her hand for a kiss.

"May I say how beautiful you look, princess Jasmine?" Alexander took her hand and kissed it.

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